55. McDonald's

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POV Elise

We were in the car on our way back to the Kaulitz house. The atmosphere in the car was relaxed and congenial, and my heart rate slowly returned to normal after the incident in the kitchen. Bill sat close to me, his arm draped over my shoulder, as if he wanted to reassure himself that I was safe. It was as if he wanted to protect me at every moment, as if I were fragile after the incident in the kitchen. I glanced at him and smiled weakly, my way of reassuring him.
I felt guilty about what had happened in the kitchen. The lasagna was ruined, and I had caused everyone to panic, so I whispered, "Sorry for completely ruining the lasagna."
Simone, who was sitting in the front, shot a brief glance back and noticed my concern. She turned around and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry about the lasagna, dear," she reassured me. "That's the least of our concerns. I'm glad you're doing better." Her voice was warm and supportive, and I immediately felt more at ease.

When we arrived home, Tom and Gordon were waiting for us in the living room. Tom stood with a wide smile, his brown eyes shining with joy. He hugged me so tightly that I had a bit of trouble breathing. "Elise!" he exclaimed. "You really scared us; I actually thought you were dead."
I chuckled softly and replied, "You don't die that quickly from a cut on your finger, Tom."
Gordon, always concerned like a true father figure, asked with care in his voice, "Elise, are you okay?" I nodded reassuringly and smiled at him. "Yes, I'm fine."
Tom interrupted our conversation with an enthusiastic announcement. He grabbed a bag with the recognizable golden M of McDonald's and pulled out a box. "Look, we got McDonald's!" Bill was clearly excited. "McDonald's? Yes, I'm really hungry!"
Gordon explained, "We didn't know which burger you wanted, so we just got you a Big Mac. Hopefully, that's okay?" I nodded and said, "That's perfect, thanks!"
Eating the McDonald's meal was a welcome distraction after the whole hospital experience. The smell of freshly baked fries filled the room, and the burgers were torn open as if it were a special treat. Bill could hardly wait to sink his teeth into his burger and began eating eagerly.
While we enjoyed our McDonald's meal, Tom enthusiastically talked about his driving adventure to the drive-in.
Tom said with a wide smile on his face, "You know, I finally got to drive and go to the drive-in. It felt amazing! It was like finally tasting my freedom, you know? The traffic was calm, and it was just great to drive."
Simone laughed and winked at Tom. "That sounds fantastic, dear."
Bill, on the other side of the table, looked a bit jealous as he ate his hamburger. "Wait a minute, Tom, how come you get to drive, and I don't? I also have a driver's license, and I want to drive to the drive-in too!"
Tom, still beaming from his driving experience, responded with a wink, "Well, maybe next time, Bill. It was my turn today."
Simone smiled at the brotherly rivalry and said, "Let's not argue, boys."
Bill grumbled briefly but then let it go. I felt quite tired after the meal. After all, it was already 9 PM, and after all the events at the hospital, I was exhausted. Bill noticed my fatigue and suggested going upstairs to rest. I apologized and walked with him upstairs, to Bill's attic room.

Bill and I entered the attic room, where I flopped onto the bed with a sigh. I felt the soft sheets against my skin, and a deep sigh escaped my mouth. The fatigue of the day was finally taking its toll.
My finger still hurt quite a bit, but the anesthesia kept the pain at bay. Bill looked concerned and asked how my finger was. I looked at my bandage and nodded. "It's okay, the anesthesia is doing its job."
He sat next to me on the bed, his gaze tender and full of concern. His hand gently stroked my cheek, and he said softly, "Try to get some sleep, sweetheart. You need rest after everything that happened."
I nodded, and it didn't take long before I let myself drift on the waves of exhaustion. Bill carefully placed a blanket over me, and I felt safe and secure next to him.
Bill smiled reassuringly and said, "Rest, and if you need anything, let me know." He gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead before walking to his desk. I tried to stay awake, but the fatigue overwhelmed me. It wasn't that late yet, but after all the events in the hospital, I was exhausted. The bed was comfortable, and slowly, my eyes closed.
But just as I relaxed a bit more and my eyes half-closed, Tom came in. He casually sank into the old couch and looked at us with that familiar grin. "Do you mind if I play some PlayStation with Bill?" I opened my eyes and smiled weakly. "Doesn't bother me," I whispered. The anesthesia and fatigue made my voice barely audible. I felt peaceful lying in bed, listening to the sounds of the PlayStation and the soft voices of the twins getting lost in the game. The sounds of their laughter and the game reached me briefly before I drifted into a deep, restorative sleep, surrounded by warmth and safety.

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