104. Evil Elise

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Bill looked deeply into my eyes, his gaze filled with curiosity, concern, and impatience. His warm hand clasped mine, a reassuring gesture that provided me with some comfort in this turbulent situation. "How did you actually come back, Elise?" he asked cautiously, as if afraid of the answer.
The moment had come to share my complex story, and I saw the tension on Bill's face as he eagerly listened to my words. My breath slowed as I began, "I know it's a complicated story, but you need to understand what's going on."
I took a deep breath and continued, "I've been trying night after night to return to this reality, but each time I was stopped by the other Elise. It seems she has more control over the shifting process than I do. It was a constant struggle, a battle between two versions of myself."
The silence that followed filled the room with a tense atmosphere. I looked Bill straight in the eyes, searching for a sign that he understood my words. "This morning, I woke up in David's apartment," I continued. "I immediately felt that I was under the influence of some drug. My head was foggy, and I knew I had to escape."
I could almost feel the memories, like a blurry dream slowly becoming clearer. "It took me a great deal of effort to escape from his apartment. My thoughts were disjointed, but I knew I had to be here, that I had to return to you, Bill."
After my story, Bill looked deeply into my eyes, as if trying to read the truth of my words. A mix of emotions played on his face, ranging from astonishment to understanding and empathy. "So, it was possible to travel back after all?" he asked, his voice filled with amazement. I nodded affirmatively, grateful that he seemed to understand the complexity of my situation.
"It's strange," he remarked, "the other Elise claimed it was impossible to return to this world. She insisted that there was no way to break through the barriers between our realities." There was a hint of frustration in his voice, as if he was still struggling with the confusion the other Elise had sown.
Tom, standing beside us, gave a scoffing laugh. "See, she wasn't trustworthy after all? She just lied to you, Bill." He looked at both of us with a triumphant look, as if he had always been skeptical about the other Elise. The truth began to slowly sink in, and Bill seemed to struggle with the revelations I had made to him.
My gaze drifted to my hands, which automatically clenched into fists. "It felt like my whole being was falling apart. Every step, every breath, was permeated with that strange drug. But I fought, Bill. I fought to come here, to be back in the reality where I belong."
I sighed deeply and continued with a tremor in my voice, "I wanted nothing more than to be with you, despite all the obstacles that came my way. It feels like ages since I last saw you, and I would do anything to be here, to be with you."
Bill looked at me and took my hands in his. In his eyes, I saw a mixture of emotions – confusion, concern, and love. His lips curved into a gentle smile, as if to say that everything would be alright. Slowly, he leaned in and kissed me lovingly, as if he wanted to convey all his feelings in that one kiss.
My heart leaped with happiness, and for a moment, we forgot the world around us. His lips on mine felt familiar and warm. It was as if time stood still as we lost ourselves in the moment of reunion.
Suddenly, a subtle cough from Tom interrupted the romance. We pulled back from the kiss, but the look in Bill's eyes betrayed that he still looked at me with love. Tom looked between us, as if he understood the significance of the moment.
"Perhaps you should continue this conversation in a more suitable environment," Tom suggested, his tone neutral but underlyingly understanding. I nodded in agreement.

Bill looked at me in astonishment as I pulled out a letter from my pocket. The letter was addressed to him, written by the other Elise, and I handed it to him with a soft smile.
"Here, I think she left something for you," I said in a calm tone, knowing that the contents of the letter would likely raise more questions than answers.
Bill took the letter cautiously, his gaze fixed on the written words. The tension was palpable as he read the words left by the other Elise. I watched, waiting for his reaction, aware of the complexity of the situation we were in.
Reading the letter seemed timeless for a moment, and when Bill finally looked up, his eyes were filled with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. He took a deep breath, as if he needed to let the words sink in.
"What does it say?" Tom asked curiously, his gaze alternating between Bill and the letter.

Dear Bill,

I'm sorry, I'm so incredibly sorry for lying to you again. I always wanted to be honest with you, but fear and the complexity of my situation have led me to withhold things. It's time for me to tell the truth, no matter how painful it may be.

I've always been able to switch realities, to experience different worlds. It's a gift I never wanted, and yet I've always had to live with it. In my attempts to hold on to a normal life, I've made wrong choices, choices that have hurt not only me but also you.

A few days ago, I fell into David's trap again. I thought I was strong enough to resist him, but I was too weak. When I realized that I was about to go down the wrong path again, I made a drastic decision. I returned to the other world, where I want to make a fresh start.

The most important thing for me is for you to know that I never wanted my problems to harm you. I didn't want you to get involved in the chaos of my life. I beg you to understand that everything I did, I did out of love, even if it was in the wrong way.

Please, protect yourself and protect the other Elise. She must not fall into David's clutches. I know this is a confusing message, but it's the only way I think I can save her.

I hope you'll someday find the strength to forgive me.

With all regret and love, Elise

Bill's face twisted into an expression of anger and disappointment. His fists clenched into tight balls, his nails pressing into his palms as frustration built up within him. "What a bitch," he whispered with a trembling voice, the emotions clearly audible in his words.

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