40. Goodbye

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As I walked to my house, a mix of emotions flowed through my veins. The thought of Bill and the farewell were still fresh in my memory. I knew this was the right decision, but it still hurt.
When I arrived at my house, I rang the doorbell, ready to see my mother and go back to my own world. But to my surprise, a woman I had never seen before opened the door. Her questioning gaze met mine, and for a moment, I didn't know what to say.
I decided to ask for more information. "Excuse me, but I'm looking for a woman named Ariana. She's a distant relative of mine, and I thought this was her house. We haven't seen each other for a while, and I wanted to surprise her."
The woman seemed to ponder for a moment and then said with a furrowed brow, "Ariana? No, that's not the name of the person who lived here before I came. I recently bought this house, and the previous owner had to move for medical reasons. She's in the hospital, and it's not going well for her."
My heart sank at this news. The thought that my mother was so sick that she had to leave her house filled me with concern and sorrow. "How long has she been in the hospital?" I asked with a trembling voice.
The woman looked compassionate. "I bought the property recently and never met the previous owner. I was told she has a serious illness and had to go to the hospital."
I felt a lump in my throat and quickly asked, "Can you please tell me which hospital she went to? I need to speak to her urgently."
The woman gave me the name of the hospital and an emergency contact number. She was clearly concerned about my situation and said, "I hope she gets better soon."
As the door closed behind her, I stood still for a moment in front of the house. The facade seemed familiar at first glance, but the fact that I couldn't even peek inside to reminisce filled me with a deep sense of nostalgia and sadness. With closed eyes, I stood there, my thoughts drifting to my mother, who was sick and in need.
I opened my eyes, hoping that looking at the familiar facade of our house would be enough to wake me back up into my own reality.
But unfortunately, when I turned around, Bill was still standing a little way off. He seemed nervous, fidgeting with his pants, his gaze fixed on me.

I walked towards Bill, and his eyes lit up with recognition and relief. "Elise?" he asked immediately, as if he still couldn't quite believe it. I nodded, a tear slid down my cheek, and I sighed deeply. "Yes, it's me."
He looked at me with concern and asked, "What happened?" My lips trembled as I explained to him that my mother was in the hospital, that she needed me. Bill calmed me with a gentle hand on my shoulder. "At the hotel, I saw a few taxis waiting, we're going there immediately and taking a taxi to the hospital. You need to be with your mother."
His words gave me strength, and together we walked back to the hotel where a few taxis were waiting. We got in, and as the taxi drove away, I couldn't help but hope that I would soon be back in my own world, with my mother who needed me.
Bill noticed my restlessness in the taxi and placed his warm hand on my leg. His touch gave me a reassuring feeling amidst the chaos raging in my head. With his soft voice, he whispered, "Elise, in this reality, your mother has no one to take care of her, so probably in your world, she's still at home."
I looked sideways at Bill, his eyes radiated understanding and compassion. His words slowly sank in, and I began to realize that my mother was probably still at home in my own world. The thought somewhat reassured me and brought some calm to my restless mind. I smiled gently at Bill, grateful for his understanding and support.
We sat hand in hand in the taxi, and occasionally, Bill squeezed my hand encouragingly, a gesture that made me feel like I wasn't alone in this uncertain situation.

We arrived at the clinic, and with an excuse, we managed to get inside. It didn't take long before we stood in front of my mother's room. Before I went in, Bill tightly held my hand. We stood in the hospital corridor, and I felt torn between two worlds. My heart wanted to stay with Bill, in the world where I was happy and had found the love of my life. But my responsibility pulled me back to my own reality, where my mother needed me.
I looked at Bill, and my eyes filled with tears. "Bill," I began hesitantly, My voice trembled as I couldn't speak another word.
Bill smiled weakly and wiped a tear from my cheek. "Elise, you've changed my world," he said softly. "And I hope you know you'll always have a special place in my heart."
I took his hand and gave it a soft kiss. "I have to go back, Bill. My mother needs me. But I'll always think of you."
Bill nodded understandingly. "I get it. Go to her. She needs you."
We embraced each other one more time, and I felt his arms holding me tightly. Then he let go, looking deep into my eyes. "Goodbye, Elise. I wish you all the best."
I nodded, a lump in my throat, and turned to go to my mother's room. As I walked away, I couldn't hold back the tears. It was a farewell that broke my heart again, but I knew I had made the right choice.

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