21. Barcelona

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After David's reprimand, we were all back in our own rooms. Bill and I entered his room, and he immediately remarked, "Ugh, David is in a bad mood again." I nodded in agreement and slumped down on the bed. Bill did the same, sitting next to me.
"How are you? You look a bit tense," he noted. I took a deep breath and tried to control my feelings. "Everything's okay," I said, but in reality, I was still preoccupied with the whole situation with Tom. I knew I had to talk to him about it as soon as possible.
I looked at Bill with a cautious smile and said, "Bill, I need to tell you something, and it's actually good news." He looked at me with surprise, and I could see the curiosity in his eyes.
"I've discovered a way to return to my own world," I told him excitedly. Bill's eyes widened in astonishment. "How?" he asked immediately, clearly concerned about the situation.
"All I have to do is see my mother. It seems she's some kind of trigger that will take me back to where I belong."
Bill stared at me for a moment, and I could see the mix of emotions on his face: concern, understanding, and sadness. He grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it. "Elise, I understand that this is important to you," he said cautiously, "but I'll miss you. I don't want you to go."
I squeezed his hand back gently and smiled, although I felt torn inside. "Bill, I don't want to leave either, but I have to do this. It's the only way to return to where I belong. And who knows, maybe we'll meet again someday."
Bill chuckled softly and said, "That would be amazing. I'll support you, whatever happens."
He then looked back thoughtfully and asked, "But how are we going to arrange this? How are you going to see your mother?"
I smiled and replied, "Well, we have a show in Germany within four days, and then we have two days off. I thought of going home during that time, visiting my mother, and seeing if that will bring me back to my own world."
Bill nodded understandingly. "That sounds like a good plan, Elise. But what if it doesn't work?"
I shrugged and said, "We can only try, right? And who knows, maybe it'll work. Bill, would you like to come with me?"
Bill smiled again and nodded. "Of course, Elise. I'm always by your side, no matter what. We'll do this together."
I decided to change the subject to something lighter to break the tension. "Let's talk about something happier," I suggested. "Do you have any funny tour stories or memories you'd like to share?"
Bill began to laugh and said, "Oh, absolutely! We've had so many crazy experiences during our tours. I remember that one time in Paris when Gustav accidentally got on the wrong subway and got lost!"
We both started laughing as Bill told the story.

We decided to go back to the common area because we would arrive at the concert venue within an hour. It was time to prepare for the show and get ready for the fans. When we arrived, we saw the other band members already busy with their preparations. The atmosphere was tense but excited because a performance was always a special moment for us.
As I stood in the kitchen to grab another breakfast bar, Tom suddenly whispered "sorry" in my ear. I turned to him and nodded, a peaceful gesture that hopefully could ease the tension between us. It felt good to know that he seemed to regret his actions, and I hoped that we could somehow get through this difficult period without damaging the band.

As we stepped out of the tour bus, I felt the warmth of the Spanish sun on my skin. It was clear right away that we were in Barcelona. The city's atmosphere was palpable, even in the concert hall's parking lot.
I looked around and asked, "Where exactly are we?"
Georg, always up for a chat, replied with a smile, "Barcelona, Elise. One of the most vibrant cities in Europe."
I nodded, and an excited feeling bubbled up in me. "I've never been here before. It sounds amazing to explore the city."
Bill, who was standing next to me, explained gently, "Unfortunately, it's not possible, Elise. We can't just go out without being recognized, and besides, we don't have much time to walk around the city. The schedule is quite tight."
I understood his explanation, but a little disappointment swept over me. The idea of exploring Barcelona was tempting, but I knew our obligations as artists came first. I smiled and said, "Maybe some other time, then."
Upon arriving at the concert venue, everything followed the familiar routine. This time, I felt much less nervous than before. Thankfully, I had better control of my nerves, giving me more confidence for the performance. It was important to focus on the music and the audience, putting aside the issues offstage.
As we prepared for the show, I could feel the excitement in the air. The crew was busy setting up the stage, and the instruments were being tuned. Bill stood next to me, giving me an encouraging smile. His presence always provided a sense of reassurance.
Bas and I went through the setlist one more time, and I could feel the adrenaline rising. It was a mix of familiar hits and some new songs we introduced during this tour. The audience was excited, and I could already hear their cheers and enthusiasm from backstage.
Then the moment arrived. The lights dimmed, and the audience erupted in cheers. The sound of thousands of people shouting our name always gave me goosebumps. We walked onto the stage, greeted the audience, and took our positions. The music began to play, and I momentarily forgot everything around me. It was just the music, the audience, and me.
As the performance progressed, I felt the energy of the audience. They sang along with our songs, danced, and cheered. It was an incredible show, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In between songs, I smiled at Bill, who was cheering from the wings.
After the last song was played, and we left the stage, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The performance was a success, and I knew we had given the audience a fantastic evening. We thanked the audience and walked together to the dressing rooms, where the euphoria of the performance still lingered.
Back in the dressing room, I sat down in a chair and took a sip of water to quench my thirst after the performance. My heart was still racing from the adrenaline rush on stage. Bill sat next to me, a broad smile on his face. "Great job, Elise," he said enthusiastically. "The audience was on fire for you." He gave me a high-five and a reassuring pat on the shoulder before quickly getting up because he had to go on stage for Tokio Hotel's performance.
Bas was also in the dressing room, tuning his bass guitar. I looked at him and asked, "Would you like to accompany me to watch Tokio Hotel's performance? I want to see how they do tonight."
Bas hesitated for a moment and looked at his guitar, as if he were unsure. But eventually, he smiled and said, "Why not, Elise? Let's enjoy the music. It's always interesting to see how other bands perform."
Together, we left the dressing room and headed to the side of the stage to watch Tokio Hotel's performance.

In My Dreams - Bill Kaulitz StoryWhere stories live. Discover now