48. What a day

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"What was that about the conversation with Paul?" Bas asked as he lit his cigarette. He offered the pack of cigarettes to me, but I shook my head.
"Nothing," I answered very nonchalantly. But Bas didn't give up. He looked at me inquisitively, knowing there was more than I was saying.
"Come on, Elise," Bas insisted. "I know you well enough to know when something's up. What did Paul tell you?"
I sighed deeply and looked Bas straight in the eyes. "Paul told me about the contract the other Elise signed with him and David. She had a fake relationship with Bill to boost her career. But the plan didn't work out well, so now they have to break up. That's why she also slept with Tom to hurt Bill."
Bas stared at me with astonishment. "What? That's... that's unbelievable, Elise. And you knew nothing about this?"
I shook my head. "No, Bas, I had no idea. It's a terrible plan, and I feel awful that I'm involved in this."
Bas placed a hand on my shoulder and said gently, "It's not your fault, Elise. You knew nothing about it, and you're not the same person as the other Elise."
I appreciated Bas's support and nodded gratefully.
Bas took a deep drag from his cigarette and looked at me seriously. "I never liked the other Elise, but I didn't expect her to be capable of something like this," he said, his voice heavy with indignation.
I nodded in agreement. "Elise would do anything for her career," I replied with a sigh.
Bas seemed to want to understand how deep this deception went. "And Bill agreed to this?" he asked.
I shook my head. "No, poor Bill. He knows nothing. He thought all along that it was real love between them. His heart will break when he finds out the truth." Bas looked at me with concern and asked, "Are you going to tell him?"
I shrugged, confused about what the right decision was. Bill deserved to know the truth, but was it up to me to tell him? I tried to change the subject and asked, "What are your plans now that we have two days off?"
Bas took another drag of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke slowly. He looked at me and said, "I think I need some time for myself, Elise. I want some peace and maybe be at home for a bit. And you, Elise? What are your plans for the next few days?"
I looked at Bas and told him, "I've been invited to spend the free days at the Kaulitz's place. We have to keep up the pretense that we're a couple because everyone, except you and Bill, thinks we're a couple." I kept looking at Bas and whispered, "It's important that no one discovers my secret, that I'm not the real Elise."
Bas furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Not easy to sit with his family then."
I shrugged and sighed. "I don't have anywhere else to go, Bas."
Yet, I had to admit, "Actually, I don't mind going to the Kaulitz family at all." Being surrounded by a real family has always been my dream.
The loud cheers of the fans in the background filled the air, and Bas looked at his watch. "I think the performance is almost over," he remarked.
I nodded in agreement, and Bas said, "Then I'll be heading off." "Enjoy the peace," I said with a wink.
Bas stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, somewhat surprising me. "Enjoy your time with the Kaulitz family," he said before leaving. I also stood up and went back inside. I wanted to wait for Bill so we could go to his parents' house together.

As I walked towards the Tokio Hotel dressing room, I heard David and Paul still talking inside. So, I decided to wait in the hallway until the guys returned. A few minutes later, they appeared in the corridor. Bill looked sweaty from his efforts on stage, making him extra attractive.
A voice in my head warned me not to give in to temptation. "No, Elise, don't let yourself be tempted," I thought to myself. Yet, I couldn't resist walking into his arms. He held me tightly and said, "I should take a shower first," while planting a kiss on my forehead.
Georg immediately started laughing and joked, "Can you two please restrain yourselves?" David came out at that moment and immediately said, "Georg, enough on that subject, please." Georg fell silent immediately, and I could see that Bill couldn't suppress his smile, even sticking his tongue out at Georg.
David turned to Bill and asked, "What should we do about the assistant who spread the rumor?"
I immediately answered in Bill's place, "Nothing, it was just a misunderstanding." Bill looked at me and whispered, "Are you sure?" I nodded, and Bill confirmed, "You heard what Elise said."
David responded a bit coolly, "Okay." Then, he looked at us and said, "Everyone has signed the documents; this story will not leave the building." David looked at both of us seriously and said, "Bill and Elise, I expect you to always act professionally with each other. This can never happen again."
Paul jumped in and added, "I've already discussed this thoroughly with Elise, David."
We both nodded to indicate that we understood what was expected of us.
"Okay then, enjoy your days off, see you on Monday," said David. He and Paul walked away, and I told Bill, "I'll be waiting in my dressing room for you." The guys went back to their dressing room, and I had a moment to breathe after the rumors and the evening's turmoil.

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