6. Bill

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POV Bill

We had arrived at the concert venue, and our instruments were already set up for the soundcheck. But to be honest, I wasn't really thinking about the music at this moment. My concern for Elise overshadowed my thoughts. I wanted to know at all costs what had happened to her, how she ended up here, and if there was a way to send her back to her own time.
However, I couldn't deny that there was something very special about this Elise. She seemed so sweet and caring, and despite the strange situation she found herself in, she had a courageous and determined aura about her. The difference between her and my own Elise was striking, and I couldn't help but be drawn to her, even though we had only just met.
I looked at her and saw that she was still very nervous. I gave her a reassuring squeeze of her hand to let her know that everything would be alright. Her gaze met mine, and there was a silent exchange of understanding between us.
"Alright," David, our manager, interrupted us. "You guys go on stage, and Elise, head to your dressing room. Someone will come get you for your soundcheck in a moment."
"Elise will stay in the hall for this soundcheck, David," I replied resolutely.
David seemed to hesitate for a moment but eventually conceded, "Okay, as you wish, Bill." He escorted Elise to the hall as we headed to the stage, and I could only hope that we would find answers to all her questions soon and get her back home safely.

The soundcheck was an organized chaos of music and technical activities. As I stood on the stage, I heard the sound of guitars being tuned, bass tones being adjusted, and the drumsticks tapping against the drumheads. Technicians and sound engineers scurried around, ensuring the right settings and levels.
The music filled the venue with powerful sounds as we tested our instruments and tuned them. My voice merged with the music as I sang a few snippets of lyrics to make sure my microphone was set correctly. The amplifiers buzzed, producing a deep, rich tone while the stage lights flickered and danced.
While we played the songs, technical details were fine-tuned, from the balance between the instruments to the timbre of my voice. It was a necessary but repetitive process to ensure that everything would sound perfect during the actual concert.
The soundcheck wasn't just a technical exercise; it was also an opportunity to feel the atmosphere and energy of the venue. The sound of our music echoing through the speakers filled the space, offering a preview of what the fans would experience later that evening.
As we stood on the stage and performed our soundcheck, my attention was drawn to Elise in the hall. She was jumping around and singing along to the lyrics, her enthusiasm radiating from her. Her smile was infectious, and it was clear that she genuinely enjoyed the music and the performance.
Her presence in the hall was inspiring, and I felt encouraged by her enthusiasm. It was as if she exuded a wave of positive energy that filled the entire venue, and I couldn't help but smile as I watched her.
Next to me, Tom noticed her and whispered, "What's up with Elise?" He seemed confused by her conspicuous reaction to our soundcheck.
I briefly turned to Tom and replied, "As she said, Tom, she had a bad dream and she is happy to be here with us."
We sang our last song during the soundcheck and left the stage with a sense of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming concert.

I returned to the hall where Elise was waiting for me, and her genuine enthusiasm touched me. "Wow!! That was amazing," she exclaimed excitedly. "It's the very first time I've seen you perform live," she whispered softly in my ear, her voice filled with admiration.
Before I had a chance to respond, David interrupted us, announcing that Elise would have her own soundcheck in 20 minutes. I saw the panic immediately return to Elise's eyes.
"Oh my god, Bill, I can't do this," she stammered, her voice trembling with nervousness. It was understandable that she felt overwhelmed by the thought of being on stage in front of a live audience, even though she had just enjoyed our soundcheck.
I placed my hand on her shoulder and looked at her reassuringly. "You'll be fine, Elise," I said with an encouraging smile. "I'll stay with you. Just enjoy it and show what you can do."

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