87. Room 336

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"Come in, I guess," said Bill as he opened the door a bit further to let me in. I entered hesitantly, holding my cleaning supplies in my hands. Bill continued to scrutinize me, as if trying to figure out who I was. It was a strange situation – in this world, I, an ordinary cleaner, was in the hotel room of a world star.
"Good afternoon," I greeted him with a professional smile. "I'm here to address the issues you reported. I'll make sure everything is to your satisfaction."
Bill closed the door and continued to observe me. He seemed momentarily thrown off when I mentioned the alleged complaint. "Complaint?" he repeated, as if wondering what I was talking about. My stomach twisted. I scanned the room for possible complaints but saw nothing unusual. Had my boss played a prank on me? "I didn't report any complaint," said Bill, and I felt a pang of discomfort.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" he asked, his dark eyes staring at me intently. It was a question that caught me off guard. I immediately shook my head, afraid that my nervousness would show. My heart rate quickened. "No, probably not," I replied, trying to suppress my nerves. Bill nodded understandingly, but I could see that something was on his mind. He seemed to be thinking deeper and said, "Have you ever had a meet and greet at one of our shows?" No, I shook my head again. I tried my best not to let my heart pounding in my throat show. "Can I possibly know you from TV?" "As I said, I'm not a familiar face," I replied, keeping my gaze on the room. Bill broke the silence again. "Sorry, I thought I recognized you from somewhere." He still looked at me thoughtfully, and I felt the tension in the room increasing.
Before I could respond, my pager went off, breaking like an emergency signal in the tense atmosphere. I apologized to Bill and answered quickly. My boss sounded annoyed.
"Elise, what the hell is going on? The complaint still isn't resolved," he shouted through the pager. His voice trembled with anger. "Mr. Kaulitz from room 336 has no complaint to report."
"What the hell are you doing in the wrong room? I specifically told you to go to room 366!"
"I don't know, Mr. Devries," I replied as calmly as possible, knowing I was unjustly being blamed. "I did exactly what you told me. Room 336."
"You always mess things up, Elise! Now you must go to room 366 immediately. There's a complaint, and you have to fix it."
I swallowed my frustration and bit my lip. "I'm sorry. I'll go to room 366 right away."
I put the pager back in my pocket and looked apologetically at Bill. "Sorry, sir, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I need to go to another room immediately to resolve a complaint. I apologize for disrupting your time."
Bill nodded understandingly, but there was something in his gaze that made me doubt. "No problem," he said with a forced smile. "I hope you can resolve the other complaint quickly. Good luck."

I nodded kindly to Bill and turned to leave the room. However, I suddenly felt his hand grabbing my arm. Bill's hand on my arm sent shockwaves through my body as I turned to leave the room. His touch was unexpected and left me momentarily paralyzed. Before I could fully turn around, I felt him holding my arm more firmly, and I slowly turned back to him. Our faces were suddenly only a few centimeters apart. I could feel his eyes drilling deep into mine, and my breath caught. He broke the silence with a remark that surprised me. "Elise, wasn't it?" It seemed like time stood still for a moment, and I was temporarily speechless. His hand slid over the name tag I was wearing, and he smiled slightly. "Yes, indeed," he concluded while still looking at me. My heart pounded so loudly that I thought he could hear it.
I quickly regained composure, took a step back, and extended my hand. "Elise, nice to meet you," I said with a smile, although my thoughts were in turmoil. What was this unexpected interaction from myself? Bill shook my hand, but his gaze remained fixed on mine. I felt the tension between us and didn't know how to handle it. The situation felt like a scene from a movie, and I didn't understand why Bill suddenly seemed so interested.

Suddenly, we heard knocking on the door, and before we could react, the door swung open. There stood Mr. Devries with a gift basket in his hands. Mr. Devries' voice sounded like thunder, and his eyes shot fire when he saw the situation with Bill and me. My hand was still in Bill's, and I felt the tension in the room increasing. His words cut through the air, and I felt like a child caught doing something forbidden.
"Elise, goddamn it, what are you doing here?" Mr. Devries snapped, his face red with anger. "Excuse me, Mr. Kaulitz," my boss began. "This maid will no longer waste your time." I pulled my hand away from Bill's, feeling nailed to the ground. Mr. Devries had never shouted at me like this in the presence of customers. It felt like humiliation, and I just wanted to disappear. Bill looked surprised at the situation, and I saw a frown on his forehead. Mr. Devries took a few steps forward, still furious. "What do you think, Elise? How dare you tarnish the reputation of our hotel by messing around with customers? And with someone of his caliber!" Mr. Devries bellowed.
I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to respond. "I'm sorry, Mr. Devries. It wasn't my intention to..." "I don't care about your intentions. This is unacceptable behavior. You can finish the day, and then pack your things, you're fired," he interrupted me ruthlessly. My breath caught, and I felt the ground sinking beneath my feet. Fired? This wasn't fair. It felt like everything I had worked so hard for was being wiped away in one blow. I didn't even dare to look at Bill, knowing that I feared his judgment.
He snorted contemptuously and turned to Bill. "Mr. Kaulitz, once again, my apologies for this disruptive interruption. Hopefully, you accept my apologies with this gift basket, and I will make sure this employee resumes her work." Bill looked from me to Mr. Devries, a frown on his face. I felt small and vulnerable under their gazes, like an intruder in a world where I didn't belong.
"Elise, you have work to do," Mr. Devries snarled. "And I expect you to pick it up immediately."
I nodded quickly and threw one more uncertain glance at Bill before hurrying to leave the room. Mr. Devries followed me with his eyes, and I could still feel his anger as I retreated from the situation.

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