72. Bastard David

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My heart pounded in my throat as I stared at David in disbelief. "I'd prefer a different kind of greeting," David said with a mocking smile as his eyes scanned over me.
"David, can we talk later? I'm busy," I tried to dismiss, turning to go back into the bathroom. However, my plans were interrupted when I heard the dressing room door lock. Startled, I turned around to see David securing the door.
"Bas could return any moment for his cigarettes," I whispered with fear in my eyes. David took a few steps toward me, and I instinctively took two large steps backward.
The atmosphere in the dressing room shifted immediately. I felt uneasy and exposed, not just because of my physical nakedness but also due to David's unexpected presence. He seemed to relish in my discomfort, slowly approaching.
"David, I don't appreciate you barging in unannounced," I said with a trembling voice, tightly wrapping my towel around me.
He ignored my concern and said with a grin, "I've missed you, Elise. I couldn't stand being without you any longer."
An uncomfortable shiver ran down my spine. "David, please, I'm not okay with this. Leave me alone," I pleaded, doing my best to keep a distance.
David appeared unaffected by my words and came even closer. "Why should I leave you alone, Elise? You and I have a lot to catch up on," he said, and I felt the awkward tension in the air. His remarks became increasingly inappropriate, and I felt more and more trapped in this confined situation.
"You have nothing to catch up on, David. Just leave me alone and go away," I begged, searching for an escape route from this distressing situation. My mind raced as I considered what I could do to protect myself from this unwanted advance.
Suddenly, he reached for my towel and pulled at it. I let out a startled cry and tried to free myself. "David, what do you think you're doing?" I shouted.
He laughed disgustingly and said, "Elise, you know why I'm here. I can't just let you go, not when you're so close."
In panic, I looked at the door, hoping that Bas would appear at any moment. "This is not okay, David. Leave me alone!" I pleaded, still struggling to hold onto my towel.
He ignored my plea and pushed me against the wall. My heart pounded in my throat as I tried to scream for help. What began as a day full of pain and confusion now seemed to escalate into a terrifying situation. "Elise, you know I always get what I want," he whispered, his voice penetrating. I felt like prey being hunted. In my mind, I searched for an escape, but the locked door left me desperate.
As his hand slid under my towel, a shiver of disgust ran through my body. But before his touch could go any further, his phone rang. He initially ignored it, but when it rang a second time, he had no choice but to answer. He let go of me and picked up his phone.
"Yeah, what is it?" he said curtly, his gaze irritated as it shifted from the phone to me. I tried to keep my towel securely around me, still determined not to be intimidated. I used this opportunity to flee into the bathroom, my heart pounding in my throat as I waited for what would happen next.
My hands trembled as I held onto my towel, hoping David wouldn't return. I heard him angrily shouting into his phone. "Why is Bill vomiting on stage? Damn it, I'm coming!" His words caused a mix of fear and relief. Unconsciously, Bill had saved me. David seemed annoyed by the phone call and finally hung up. His gaze returned to me, and I felt the tension in the air. "This isn't over, Elise," he warned as he put his phone back in his pocket. "Next time, we'll finish this." With those threatening words, he left the dressing room, leaving me with a mix of relief and fear.
I slumped against the door, trying to control my breathing.

The shower water was still flowing when I decided to step under the warm water, hoping it would wash away the dirty taste of the recent events. As the water flowed over my body, my thoughts drifted to what had just happened. How could David dare to go that far?
The streaming water from the shower felt like a blessing on my skin, an attempt to literally wash away the unwanted touches of David. Every drop felt like a reminder of the violation of my privacy, but I refused to succumb to the disgust overwhelming me. Instead, I focused on the practical aspect—physically cleansing myself from that unpleasant experience. However, no amount of shower water could wash away the internal shudders caused by David's inappropriate touches.
With closed eyes and my head under the water stream, I tried to calm myself. I wondered if the other Elise had to endure such unwanted advances.
It felt like an eternity before I turned off the shower and opened the door. Carefully, I peeked my head outside, ensuring the hallway was empty. Thankfully, there was no sign of David, so I slipped out silently and unnoticed, heading toward my tour bus.
As I walked past Tokio Hotel's dressing room, I was suddenly disturbed by deafening screams. David seemed to be berating Bill intensely. My heart went out to Bill; he certainly didn't deserve this anger. Yet, I tried not to get distracted and quickened my pace, anxious to avoid encountering David again. All I wanted was to get away from here and try to leave this nightmare behind.

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