78. Wtf David

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Our soundcheck followed immediately after Elise's. While waiting for the rest of the band, I took my position on the stage. The others reluctantly joined, chatting excitedly about how amazing the game room was. The lights dimmed, and we began to play. My voice filled the venue, but the moment I started singing, the sound from my microphone disappeared. A sudden silence engulfed the space, and technicians rushed forward to fix the issue.
Despite their efforts, it seemed like an immediate solution wasn't in sight. My backup microphone was handed to me, but I encountered the same problem with it. "Bill," echoed through the speakers, and I nodded in acknowledgment. "We'll have this issue fixed within half an hour, shall we continue then?" the technician asked. I nodded back, realizing I now had half an hour of free time.
On an impulsive whim, I decided to go to Elise's dressing room. I just needed to talk to her. In the hallways of the concert hall, the deafening sounds of my bandmates' instruments echoed. As I walked towards Elise's dressing room, I rehearsed the words in my head.
'Elise, I can no longer stay silent. The atmosphere between us has become unbearable, and I know I have a big part in that. I miss you; let's meet tonight at our hotel bar to catch up.'
The music seeped through the walls, a constant reminder of our upcoming performance. My heart pounded in my chest, not just because of the music but also because of the confrontation with Elise.
I gently knocked on Elise's dressing room door, but the loud hum of the instruments in the hallway made it uncertain if she could hear it. Carefully, I pushed the door open, and a wave of nervousness washed over me. The dressing room was empty, except for some scattered clothes and makeup items. I could still feel her presence in the room. My eyes scanned the room, searching for pen and paper. It seemed best to leave a note for her.
Suddenly, a cursing male voice pierced through the music's noise. The voice sounded familiar, but amid the chaos and noise, it was challenging to place. "Bill!" Elise screamed, her voice soaked with panic and despair. At that moment, I turned around and saw Elise running towards me, her face contorted with fear.
I reached out my arms, and she fell into my embrace. Her body trembled with tension, and her breathing was rapid and shallow. I felt the fear shaking her, and my heart constricted at the sight of her vulnerability.
"Please help me," she pleaded, her voice broken and full of desperation. Tears streamed down her cheeks, and I felt her shivering in my arms. Without hesitation, I pulled her closer to me, as an attempt to shield her from whatever was frightening her. "It's okay, Elise. You're safe here," I whispered, holding her hands to calm her. Her breathing was hurried, and I could sense that something serious had happened.
David suddenly appeared in my field of vision, and I immediately noticed that his pants were open. My stomach turned with disgust, and I immediately understood what was going on. A fire of anger flared up within me, but I forced myself to remain calm.
Without hesitation, I positioned myself in front of Elise, like a protective shield between her and my manager. "What do you think you're doing, David?" I growled, my voice dripping with disdain. David seemed barely aware of his shameless act. "It's not what you think, Bill. Elise and I have been together longer than you've ever been with her," he tried to justify his actions.
I snorted contemptuously and stared at David intently. "Does she want this too?" I repeated with bitterness. "Believe me, David, you stand no chance if you think I'll accept your actions."
David turned to Elise as if seeking her complicity. "Bill isn't the knight in shining armor you're waiting for, Elise. Trust me, he's not." His words barely registered with me because my focus was on protecting Elise from further intrusion.
Suddenly, he addressed me again, provocatively. "Do you even know who Elise really is?" he asked, a sarcastic undertone in his voice. A growl escaped my throat, and I bared my teeth like a wild animal feeling threatened.
Elise, still shocked and silent, watched as the confrontation between David and me escalated. My patience was running out, but I knew I had to control my anger to prevent the situation from further spiraling out of control.
I knew David was referring to the other Elise, the one from our own world. Perhaps they indeed had a relationship, but this Elise here clearly wanted nothing to do with it.
"Get out, David!" I roared, my voice soaked with anger and disgust. David zipped up his pants again, shot one last threatening look at Elise, and sneered, "This is not over, girl. I'm the one who pulled you out of the mud, never forget that." With those menacing words, he left the room and slammed the door behind him.
I turned back to Elise, my heart pounding with anger and concern. I sat down gently in front of her, took her in my arms, and let her cry. Her tears soaked my shoulder as I hugged her tightly, suppressing my own feelings of helplessness to be there for her.
"Hush, it's going to be okay," I whispered softly, kissing her hair as she let her emotions flow freely. "He won't bother you anymore, I promise." My hands stroked reassuringly over her back, hoping that my presence provided her with a sense of safety amidst this tumultuous situation.

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