11. The after Show

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I was escorted back to the dressing room, where I found my manager, Paul. He looked at me kindly and initiated the conversation.
"Great show, Elise," he began. "You did fantastic tonight."
"Thank you, Paul," I smiled, relieved by his positive feedback.
He continued, hesitatingly, "Do you still want me to fire Bas?"
I looked at him, slightly surprised. "Fire him?" I asked, a bit indignant. "Yes, he contradicted you last week, and you demanded that I fire him, remember?"
"Oh," I said hesitatingly. "No, I've changed my mind. Bas is doing a fantastic job."
Paul let out a relieved sigh and nodded. "Good. Are you coming to the hotel with us?"
I shook my head and replied, "No, I'm still waiting for Bill."
Paul nodded in understanding and left my dressing room. As I sat there alone, I began to contemplate the differences between the Elise of this world and my own self.
While I waited in my dressing room, I couldn't help but feel that the Elise of this world might not be as friendly as I am. During the wait, I started to organize my thoughts. I still had many questions about how I ended up in this strange situation and how I could return to my own world. My discovery of "Reality Shifting" had somewhat reassured me, but there was still much I didn't understand.

As I was pondering the differences between the Elise of this world and my own self, I was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called out, somewhat surprised.
The door swung open, and to my surprise, Tom stood in the doorway. He seemed a bit uncomfortable and rubbed the back of his head.
"Hey, Elise," he began hesitantly. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
I nodded and gestured to a chair. "Of course, Tom, please, have a seat. What do you want to talk about?"
Tom began to hesitate, as if he wasn't sure how to articulate his thoughts. "Elise, about last night..." But before he could finish his sentence, the door swung open, and Bill entered with a broad smile on his face.
"Hey, Elise, Tom," he greeted both of us. He was completely unaware of the tense atmosphere in the room.
Tom was momentarily thrown off by Bill's unexpected appearance and swallowed his words. He quickly looked away, as if he had something to hide.
I felt uneasy in this situation. I didn't know what Tom wanted to discuss, but Bill's presence clearly indicated that he shouldn't find out.
"Sorry it took so long. We had to shower and change quickly."
"No problem, Bill," I replied with a smile. "You were amazing on stage."
He nodded gratefully and suggested we head to the tour bus. Bill began to pack his things. It was clear he was tired after the intense performance. Tom nodded in agreement.

As we walked towards the tour bus to return to the hotel, I noticed that Bill was starting to feel the effects of fatigue after his fantastic performance. He fell asleep as soon as we got on the bus, and a soft snoring sound escaped his lips. Tom sat on the other side of the bus and gestured for me to sit beside him.
However, I wasn't in the mood for a conversation. Something told me that he should have this conversation with the real Elise of this world. The evening had brought so many emotions, and the discovery of reality shifting had left me in a whirlwind of thoughts. I just wanted to sit quietly and sort out my thoughts.
So, without hesitation, I rested my head on Bill's shoulder and closed my eyes. It felt comfortable and familiar to be so close to him, even as he slept. The sound of the moving bus and its gentle swaying almost immediately lulled me into a peaceful, dreamy state.

We arrived at the hotel, and the motion of the tour bus coming to a stop woke Bill from his deep sleep. He stretched and rubbed his eyes as we disembarked from the bus. It was somewhat amusing to see how quickly he transitioned from one state to another.
"Bill," I began hesitantly, "I need to tell you something... something incredible. I'll tell you in the hotel room."
When we finally reached his hotel room, I slumped into one of the chairs. Bill looked at me curiously.
"So, what did you want to tell me, Elise?" he asked as he removed his jacket.
I nodded and retrieved my laptop, opened the page I had found about reality shifting, and let Bill read the text. He took some time to go through the article, and his facial expression gradually shifted from curiosity to understanding.
"Yeah, that sounds like something Elise would be into, I can imagine," he said eventually as he closed my laptop. "It sounds pretty weird, but if that's what happened, then we need to find a way to get you back to your own reality."

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