49. Mom Kaulitz

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I stepped out of my dressing room when I heard voices in the hallway. Curious about who was there, I decided to take a look. Is there another meet and greet with the guys after the show? I wondered.
I stuck my head out of my door and saw a group of people gathered around the door of the Tokio Hotel dressing room. They were all somewhat 'older' individuals, and I quickly realized they must be the parents of the boys. The guys also came out and greeted their parents with hugs and smiles.
The beautiful woman with short blonde hair was clearly Tom and Bill's mother, and I could feel her kindness and warmth as she welcomed her sons. She hugged both Tom and Bill simultaneously, and the boys called her 'mom.' It was evident that there was a strong bond between them.
Suddenly, Tom spotted me standing in the doorway of my dressing room and shouted, "Oh, there's Elise!" I felt a bit nervous as I walked towards the woman and introduced myself as Elise. Her eyes radiated kindness, and she smiled as she greeted me. "Elise, what a pleasure to meet you," she said with a warm voice. "I'm Simone, Tom and Bill's mother. And this is Gorden, my husband." She pointed to a friendly man standing beside her.
I shook Gorden's hand and smiled nervously. "Nice to meet you," I said.
Tom and Bill immediately started a discussion about who would drive home. They clearly had a childish rivalry when it came to who got to sit behind the wheel. But Simone intervened and said sternly, "Gordon will drive, boys. You're all too tired, and it's already late."
The twins looked a bit sulky at each other, but ultimately, they yielded to their mother's wisdom.
Bill put an arm around me and smiled. "Okay, mom, you win," he said with a wink to his mother. Tom laughed and said, "Next time, then."
Simone hugged her boys and let them know how proud she was of them. It was clear that they had a strong bond with their parents despite their hectic rockstar life.

In the car, Gordon was behind the wheel with Simone next to him, while I sat between the twins in the backseat. The first few minutes, they were extremely excited, sharing adventures they had experienced during the tour. They shared funny anecdotes, memories of the shows, and interactions with fans. But after a few minutes, they began to bicker, as only brothers can.
Tom rolled his eyes and said, "Bill always thinks he knows everything. He's the perfectionist in the band, but sometimes, he just overdoes it."
Bill, laughing, responded, "Well, you always do everything last minute, Tom. You live on the edge of chaos."
Tom shook his head and pointed to Bill, "And you're way too serious, bro. You need to have a bit more fun."
While they teased each other and exchanged small taunts, Simone looked at me and asked with a smile, "How do you put up with those two, Elise?"
I chuckled softly and replied, "They're amazing, Simone. Yes, they may bicker, but their bond is unbreakable. And they make sure it's never dull."
Gordon laughed from behind the wheel and said, "That's the right attitude, Elise. You have to be a strong woman to deal with these two dragons."
"Gordon," complained Tom.
Simone nodded and looked proudly at her sons. "That's true, they are each other's best friends, even if they occasionally get on each other's nerves. It's good to see that they have such a strong bond."
Gordon chuckled and said, "It comes with the territory. But in the end, they're inseparable. They can't do without each other."
As the twins continued to argue about who made the best burgers in town, they eventually slumped into their seats, leaning tiredly against the window.

It had been a long day, and after a little over half an hour of driving, we arrived in a quiet, charming street. The modest house stood in a peaceful neighborhood, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The street was quiet, and night slowly fell over the neighborhood.
We got out of the car, our bags in hand, and entered the house. The tour had taken its toll, and we longed for nothing more than some rest.
The house was quiet and peaceful, a welcome change from the chaos and busyness of the tour. The interior was simple, with memories of the twin brothers growing up here and shaping their musical ambitions. There was a warm atmosphere.
We wished each other good night and headed to the bedrooms.
On the first floor of the house, Tom's voice could still be heard as he reached his bedroom and shouted, "See you tomorrow!" before closing the door behind him. Bill gestured with a subtle movement towards the floor above, where his bedroom was located. We climbed another staircase and reached the attic, which had been converted into a cozy room for Bill.
The room exuded rustic charm, with a sloping roof and wooden beams adorning the ceiling. There was a comfortable double bed, covered with soft blankets and pillows that awaited us invitingly. A bit further from the bed was an old, worn-out sofa with a television.
Bill sighed with relief as he collapsed onto the bed, rubbing his face tiredly. "I really can't anymore," he mumbled, his brown eyes tired but content, looking at me. Slowly, I crawled next to him on the blissful bed, feeling my body relax after a long day full of emotions. "Goodnight, dear Elise," he whispered.
I smiled at him, knowing that we both longed for a good night's sleep. I replied softly, "Goodnight, Bill."
The warmth of his proximity and the prospect of a good night's sleep quickly brought me into a deep and peaceful slumber.

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