Part One

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Sophia's POV

I smiled as the sun beat down on me, it was summer time in England, London. I loved the sun. I was in a pair of denim short shorts and a white crop top and I had black converse on my feet; and my dark brown hair was swinging lightly down my back in the cool breeze. It was one of those times where I wished I had brought my sunglasses with me to keep the sunlight out of my eyes.

I was on my way home from doing a little shopping when I heard loud screaming, very loud. It wasn’t a terrified scream, more of a ‘OMG!’ sort of scream. I frowned and turned the corner because, I wanted to see what was going on - even though my house was the opposite way. Just as I turned to see what the fuss was all about, I felt someone collide with me. I fell to the ground and groaned in pain as my head hit the pavement.

“This is not good!” Someone said around me. I looked up to see who had run into me and I saw five boys. I frowned at them and stood up.

“Thanks for the hand boys,” I glared at them and started to walk home.

“What no ‘Oh my god! It’s One Direction’?” Louis asked, sounding shocked, as the boys quickly followed me.

“Oh my god! It’s One Direction!” I said in an unusually high voice, faking excitement, “Happy now?” I said in my normal voice.

“Wow, that’s a first,” Harry muttered.

“If you boys don’t mind, I’m on my way home, and I’d appreciate not getting killed by your fangirls,” I said pointing behind me to the screaming girls running towards us.

“Do you have somewhere we can hide out?” Liam asked.

“Just for a bit,” Zayn added.

“Why the hell would I let strangers into my house?” I raised an eyebrow at them.

“Thanks- wait what?” Louis looked taken aback.

“Please, we’ll get killed!” Niall begged.

“I’m too young to die!” Harry shouted dramatically.

I stared at their pleading faces for a while, thinking over the pros and cons of letting them come to the house. The girls I live with love One Direction, so if I let this opportunity slide, they would probably kill me... “Fine, but not for long, I do have a life,” I rolled my eyes.

“Great, lead the way,” Zayn smiled, ignoring my last comment.

“Quickly,” Liam added, looking behind us. We all followed his eye line and saw the girls gaining on us.

“This way!” I shouted and started running ahead of them. They quickly followed me. We ran straight down the road, the fangirls tailing us. “This way,” I shouted again and the boys quickly followed my lead. We skidded left and ran down the alley way, we were sure to lose some down here, hopefully. We came out of the alley at the other side, and saw fangirls coming from all directions, except ahead of us. We ran across the road and down the street with the fangirls behind us all the way, I pulled my key out my pocket, whilst I was running and when we arrived outside my house door I flung it in the lock and opened the door. I let them run in ahead of me and jumped through the door way after them. I quickly locked the door behind us. I turned around and leaned against the door frame, doubled over and breathing heavily- as were the boys. I could hear the fangirls screaming outside the door and banging on it.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now