Part Forty-Nine

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Mel’s POV


So bored.

So very bored.

So very very bored.

I need something to do...


No I did that a couple days ago.


No Niall's probably eaten all the food here.


Meh, why not? Could be fun.

I pulled out my laptop and webcam and turned it on. I walked over to my iPod and docking station and turned on some music. Whilst my laptop was turning on I sang and danced around my room.

Finally it had booted up so I logged into twitter and announced I was doing a twitcam to my ever growing followers. I had 40,000 at the moment, thanks to the boys. I started up the twitcam ignoring my mentions for the moment; I know some people love Zelissa, but some fans are a bit obsessive and think I'm stealing Zayn from them or I'm just after his money, or they just hate me. Whichever it is, they send me hate and I'm not in the mood for hate right now, just before I do a twitcam. I haven't directly told Zayn, or anyone for that matter, about the hate I get, but I think he knows, I mean their families even get hate, it's ridiculous. But I try not let it get me down, just got to keep my chin up and head held high.

"Hello world," I waved at the camera, seeing I had a rapidly increasing amount of views and people already tweeting about my twitcam.

"So, I'm really bored now, because I have nothing to do..." I said sadly. Numerous people tweeted me asking where Zayn was, and the rest of the boys and girls.

"The boys are at a rehearsal for tonight’s concert and the girls are... shopping I think, but I'm not too sure," I explained, "Is anyone going to the boys concert tonight?"

Again, I had numerous replies about whether they were going tonight, if they couldn't get tickets, if they were seeing them soon, or have seen them, someone even asked if I was going tonight.

"Well, I hope you all have a great time, and sadly I am not going, but I have seen the boys live with the other girls once, a while back, they were amazing. Anyway, I'm sure the boys will be as great as always tonight," I smiled.

@ZaynsWife: This twitcam is boring and stupid, just like you, you stupid hoe, Zayn's mine!

"Can I just say right now, 'ZaynsWife', I don't know who you are, and I don't care, but there is no need to be sending me hate. Zayn is not mine, and he is certainly not yours, Zayn doesn't belong to anyone, he is his own person, and sending me hate isn't going to make him or any of the boys like you, it's going to make them hate you. And that goes to any of you sending hate to the boys friends and family, grow up and don't send the hate." I said clearly.

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