Part Sixty

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Lauren’s POV

I dressed in my new dress Justin had bought me- the one from Jack Wills. I was beyond excited. Words cannot describe.

“Lauren! I cannot believe you spent the day with Justin Bieber!” Sophia screamed.

“I know!” I screamed right back.

“You’ve been doing this since we got back,” Harry sighed.

“So,” We both raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing, carry on," He sighed and left the room.

"Lauren you look amazing! I can't believe he bought you that dress!" Sophia smiled.

"I know! I'm still in shock! But you'll meet him too tonight!" I grinned and we hugged happily. Sophia was dressed in black leather high-waisted shorts with a white lace, long sleeved crop top, she also wore black and white converse on her feet and some jewellery that Niall bought her. Her hair was curled lightly and pinned out of her face. She looked amazing.

"Is it time to go yet?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes!" I screamed as I read the clock. We screamed once more and I pulled on my blue TOMs. Yes, TOMs and a dress, what of it? I want to be comfy and look nice. Besides they are both blue, just different shades. We flew down the stairs and ran into the lounge where everyone was.

"Leggo!" Sophia, Niall and I screamed together.

"Alright, we're coming," Mel sighed, and they all hauled themselves up, the girls more reluctant than the boys. Beth, Molly and Mel really didn't like Justin and I didn't understand why. We all climbed in the car and I noticed how weird they were all looking.

Beth was wearing a pair of black leggings, grey vans, and a white and pink faded jumper, tucked into her leggings. This wasn't the weird part, she was carrying something stuffed under her top. I wasn't sure what it was.

Molly and Mel were wearing similar things to Beth. Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn were all wearing swim shorts and thin plain tops. Harry and Louis were both carrying bags, Harry holding his very carefully.

What’s going on?

“What’s in the bags?” I asked, and why are you wearing swim trunks to a concert? I added in my mind.

“I don’t understand…” Sophia said slowly.

“This is going to be awesome,” Beth cheered giddily.

“Am I on a different planet?” I asked and everyone laughed.

Did Beth just call a Justin Bieber concert ‘awesome’?

“Nope,” Harry said, sounding cute as he popped his ‘p’. I sat silently for the rest of the journey, half excited, half curious as to what they were up to.

“Justin!” I grinned as I saw him. We were backstage now and Justin was walking over to the ten of us.

“Lauren,” He grinned and hugged me.

“Eep,” Sophia squeaked as he turned to face her.

“You must be Sophia,” He chuckled and pulled her into a hug.

“Lauren! Lauren!” Sophia whispered loudly when Justin released her… or she released him… she held on pretty tightly.

“What?” I asked.

“I just got a Bieber hug!” She grinned and everyone laughed.

“Sophia, we watched you,” Zayn laughed.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now