Part Forty-Four

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Molly’s POV

I woke up and looked at the clock on Liam's bedside table; I'd stayed over-night, being too tired to go back to my house. Crap. It was nine o'clock. My driving test was at ten. I quietly untangled myself from Liam and hurried into the shower.

I'd been taking driving lessons secretly for the past few months, every week; obviously they were postponed whilst I was in America and things. But I was doing pretty well actually. The reason I didn't tell anyone about my driving lessons was because they wouldn't think I'd be able to do it, and I want to surprise them by passing. They were mocking me a while back, before I started lessons, saying I'd never be able to drive and I'd just crash the car- so that was one of the reasons I wanted to learn, and pass. So I can prove them wrong. It's not like any of them can talk though really, other than Mel none of the others can drive. Beth started lessons but then fell out with her family over something that none of us knew about (and it was a forbidden subject, so no one brought it up) and they wouldn't pay for any more lessons so she gave up.

Once I had showered I wrapped a towel around myself and went into Liam's bedroom, he was awake now. "Morning," I smiled kissed his cheek before opening his wardrobe, "I'm borrowing some clothes."

"Okay," He chuckled, "You might as well bring some of your things around here. You do live here half the time anyway."

"True, remind me later and I'll do it," I grinned, taking out one of his shirts, which would be huge on me. I then picked up my leggings and underwear from yesterday and went back into the bathroom and changed. These wouldhave to do, until I could get home. I borrowed Liam's amazing flashing toothbrush and quickly cleaned my teeth before leaving the bathroom again.

"I'm just nipping out, I'll be back later okay?" I smiled and kissed him.

"Sure," He seemed a little upset and distant.

"Bye, I love you!" I shouted.

"See you later!" He shouted back before I shut the door. He didn't say it back. He didn't say it back. Why didn't he say it back? It's only eight letters, three words, one sentence. But it means everything. Does he not love me? I'm sure it's fine. The voice of reason said in my head. He's just woken up; it'll have just slipped his mind. I'm sure everything's fine; he's had a lot to deal with recently.

I got on the bus and paid my fare, I sat in one of the empty seats. Not many people were on the bus. When it got to my stop I thanked the driver before exiting the bus and walking the short distance to the driving test place. I was five minutes early so I got in line and let them know I was here before taking a seat.

"Danielle Simpson," A friendly woman called, a smile plastered on her face. I saw a girl about my age go up to her and they had a small chat before exiting the building. I hope I have someone friendly like her. But with my luck, I doubt it.

"Molly Runacres," A grumpy looking man with a clipboard called. I inwardly groaned but got up and walked over to him, giving him my best smile. He didn't smile back. This is not going to be fun.

"I'm Jerry, I'll be testing you on this drive," He said in a boring monotone voice. I held back a giggle at his name, Sophia and Lauren had told me what ‘Jerry’ meant in the world of Beliebers.

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