Part Fifty-Four

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Beth’s POV

It had been a week since I had the phone call from my mother; I hadn’t bothered to ring her back. I didn’t want to. She hadn’t bothered to ring back either, so it’s obviously not that important.

Louis hasn’t brought it up either since then, so I thank him for that. I know he wants to ask me about it, I can see the way he looks at me. He’s holding back though, he’s trying his best to give me time to think it over, but soon his detective side will show and his curiosity will get the better of him. I need to be ready for when he asks. What am I going to tell him? The truth? But I’ve already been lying to them all for so long… will they hate me?

I sighed and collapsed back on the bed not sure what to do. Why was everything so confusing? Why hadn’t I just told them all about it when I first met them, instead of lying to them for the past (almost) two years? Why was I such a coward? If I told them… would it be so bad?

Best case scenario: They’d all understand why I lied to them and they’d forgive me. Then I wouldn’t have to lie to them ever again, and I wouldn’t have to see my family again. Surely they wouldn’t make me go back.


Worst case scenario: They’d all hate me and kick me out the house, forcing me to go back to my family. I’d never see any of them again and my life would be over.

So, if I don’t tell them…

Best case scenario: Louis forgets all about the phone call, my family don’t contact me again and I move on. I carry on like nothing happened and I live happily ever after.

Shut up Beth, this isn’t a fairy tale, there’s no such thing as ‘happily ever afters’ in the real world. Grow up and face reality.

Worst case scenario: Louis doesn’t let it drop and keeps digging until he finds out, he then gets upset and angry that I didn’t tell him the truth. He tells the others, they’d all hate me and kick me out the house, forcing me to go back to my family. I’d never see any of them again and my life would be over.

Well… thinking about it like that, if I tell Louis or I don’t there’s still a chance that they’d end up hating me and send me back to my parents. If I tell him, he could hate me. If I don’t tell him, he might find out and hate me.

It’s a fifty, fifty situation.

I’m not a gambling person.

I don’t really like those odds.

Am I going to risk everything and tell him now? Or I could not tell him and spend as much time as I can enjoying my life before it all comes crashing down.

I like the sound of the latter option more… apart from the ‘life comes crashing down’ part… but if it gives me more time… but then I’d be lying to them for longer…

“You okay Beth?” Louis yanked me abruptly away from my thoughts; walking in the room.

“Yes… No,” I sighed putting my head in my hands. I decided not to lie to him. I just couldn’t, not when he was being so nice and loving and… understanding. He trusted me whole-heartedly and all I’ve done is lie to him. How could I do that to him? He’s told me nothing but truths. I don’t deserve him. He deserves someone who he can trust and who won’t lie to him.

“You want to talk about it?” He asked sitting beside me on the bed.

“I don’t know…” I mumbled, “You’re all going to hate me…”

“I’m sure that’s not true Beth, I could never hate you,” He kissed my cheek and I laughed humourlessly.

“Oh believe me, you’ll hate me,” I shook my head.

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