Part Fifty-Nine

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Lauren’s POV

Jesus catch me. Actual dying inside right now. I cannot believe he’s there… like standing in front of me. I stepped forward and poked his arm; he just sent me a confused look.

“I was checking you were real and not like some hologram…” I muttered and he laughed. Oh my God, his laugh… oh crap, I think I’m drooling. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. “Justin Bieber is standing in front of me…” I muttered in complete shock.

“Yes… I am,” He laughed and then I screamed like the fangirl I am.

“Oh Christ, I love you so much!” I gushed, “I’ve seen your movie so many times it’s unreal, I’ve always wanted to go to your concert but I’ve never been able to get tickets, I listen to your songs all the time, I just love them! My favourite is ‘U Smile’, but they’re all amazing!”

“Lauren breath,” Justin chuckled and I laughed nervously.

“Sorry, it’s just… wow, I mean I never thought I’d meet you, you’re like my idol, my inspiration,” I smiled, “Ever since I heard you sing ‘With You’ by Chris Brown, I knew you’d would be huge. Your voice just sent shivers down my spine! Then when I heard you had been signed, it was like all my Christmas’s at once. I have bought every single song and album you have ever done and I almost feel like that it’s my contribution, to show you I’m always going to be here supporting you. Then over the years, you just got bigger and bigger, and I’m so proud to say I was there from the very beginning. Through all the hate, you stayed strong, and didn’t give up, and that’s what I really appreciate about you. You constantly tell us Beliebers how much you love and value us, and that we will never love you as much as you love us. You are so very wrong. I love you more than anything I have ever loved before, sorry Harry; but I can honestly say I’d die for you. And I’m not being dramatic.”

“Wow Lauren, that’s… amazing,” Justin smiled, tears glistening in his eyes at my speech, “You’d honestly die for me? But you don’t even know me.”

“But I feel like I do, and I love you as do millions of other girls in the world; I wouldn’t just let you die,” I smiled.

“Lauren that is truly the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” Justin hugged me tightly.

“I just want you to know, how proud I am of you, I mean it Justin, I’m so proud of you and everything you’ve achieved,” I smiled hugely and hugged him again. Eep, I finally got a Bieber hug. Wow. I have to say, they are amazing… even better than a Horan hug; and that’s saying something.

“Thank you,” He grinned.

“Never give up Justin, and never back down to haters, because they don’t know sh*t,” I grinned back.

“You have a way with words Lauren, you really do,” He winked and I laughed.

“The only reason they call you gay and what-not is because they will never get as many girls as you that are literally dying at your feet,” I explained further. I’ve always wanted to tell him these things, and I promised myself that if I ever met him, I’d tell him it all.

“Aw, that’s so sweet,” He inputted.

“At the end of the day, you’re truly talented, you have the most talent I have ever known in a person,” I smiled.

“Well, this isn’t exactly how I planned it to go… my girlfriend confessing her undying love for Justin Bieber,” Harry muttered from behind me.

“Besides my gorgeous, amazing boyfriend… of course,” I laughed with Justin.

“Of course,” Justin nodded, trying to be serious, but I could the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

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