Part Fifty-One

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Beth’s POV

I walked through the forest and sighed.

“I wish I had a llama right now, then I wouldn’t have to walk,” I muttered, scuffing my shoes on the floor.

I looked up and saw… A llama. Yes, a llama! He smiled at me and nodded his head.

“Can I ride you?” I asked walking up to him and he nodded again. “Yay! My wish came true!” I grinned and hopped on the llama.

“Indeed young one,” A voice boomed from the sky.

“What was that? Who’s there?” I shouted.

“I am the naked man in the sky,” The voice boomed again.

“Why are you naked? Can you not afford clothes?” I asked.

“Of course I can afford clothes, I live in the sky!” He shouted.

“Well, why don’t you wear them?” I asked.

“Because I don’t want to!” He snapped.

“Okay, okay, temper issues, I get it,” I muttered defensively.

“Silly Earthling, you dare defy me!” He boomed.

“No, I just want to ride my llama, you get back to doing whatever creepy voices in the sky do,” I smiled innocently.

“Urgh, I give up,” The man muttered and then he was gone.

“Well that was weird,” I laughed.

“Hey Beth!” Louis shouted from somewhere around me.

“Ride my llama,” I shouted back to him.

“But Beth I’m riding my unicorn! Come join me!” Louis shouted back to me as we bounded through the enchanted forest outside Hogwarts.

“But I’m on a llama!” I shouted excitedly.

“I’m on a unicorn!” He shouted back, just as excited.

“Louis watch out for the giant tree!” I shouted just as Louis was about to run into a tree with his unicorn. The unicorn jumped up high and flew over the tree.

“Wow,” I muttered looking down at my measly llama.

“Screw you llama,” I muttered.

“Louis! Let me ride your unicorn!” I screamed and Louis bounded over to me.

“It’s going to be a bouncy ride,” Louis winked and I jumped on to the back of his unicorn behind him.

“Leggo!” I grinned.

“Onward thy noble unicorn,” Louis shouted and we charged forward, bounding over the fallen tree branches.

“Not so fast,” A voice behind us said. I turned to see the llama charging after us.

“You can talk?” I gasped.

“Of course, I’m a llama,” The llama grinned evilly.

“Since when could animals talk?” Louis asked me.

“Since Narnia!” I laughed.

“But llamas aren’t in Narnia,” Louis argued.

“Oh, I did audition to be in Narnia, apparently llamas aren’t magical enough, pfft, and lions are? I am much more magical than the Narnia animals. I don’t need them anyway, gosh,” The llama huffed.

“Someone’s a bit of a diva,” I sang.

“That’s my job!” Louis shouted.

“Let’s not get into this please,” I begged, “Look, we’re on a flipping unicorn let’s enjoy this moment Lou.”

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