Part Thirty-Seven

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Lauren's POV

It’s been eight days since my fight with Sophia, and we haven’t spoken to each other, I hate it. I hate fighting with her. I haven’t seen much of her to be honest, the girls and I have been shopping, she didn’t want to come, we’ve all been out to dinner, she didn’t want to come. She rarely leaves the hotel room- she was so excited to come to America, yet she’s not doing anything whilst she’s here. I don’t understand it.

There is something wrong with Sophia. I don't know what it is though. She seems deflated, pale, ill. We’re not on the best of terms, but she's still my friend, if she's ill I want to help her. Why am I so good towards people? I need to be more tough. Not forgive so easily. I might talk to her; get to know her side of the story. Yes, that's what I'll do. I'll do it now. "Sophia," I said loudly and everyone looked at me in shock.

"Lauren?" She whispered, a smile tugging on her lips.

"Can I have a word with you?" I asked and she nodded before walking into the corridor.

"I know what it sounded like, but nothing happened," She said quickly, "I would never do that! You should know that!" After our first fight I thought she’d have said it then, not now. She never did tell me what happened before. “You just assumed and it was stupid! You should have thought first!” She suddenly became very angry.

"What was I supposed to think?" I shouted- she has no right to be angry at me, I was going to forgive her.

"Anything! Just not that! I would never do that! I love you and Niall too much! We are just friends! Nothing else! You over-reacted!" She shouted back.

"I over-reacted? I over-reacted? What was I supposed to think? You and Harry were spending all your free time together! Niall thought it too! And you spent that night together! He's my boyfriend and I love him! You know I'm insecure and I don't know what to think now!" I shouted back, "You would think the same if it was me and Niall!"

"No I wouldn't! I'd trust you! We are best friends! Why wouldn't you trust me? Come on child! You insecure?" She scoffed. Did she just 'child' me?

"That's the thing! I'm so insecure, I can't even trust my best friend with my boyfriend! That's how scared I am of losing him! You don't even see it! You don't understand!" I shouted angrily.

"Well you are obviously not my friend then! I bet Niall never even loved me! Look at me! I'm just some stupid fat dog!" She shouted quoting things people had tweeted me, "I don't deserve him! I should just leave! You'd all be better without me!"

"Good! Just go!" I shouted.

"Fine!" She screamed and stormed into the girls room. I screamed in frustration and walked into the boys room. Everyone looked up at me and I knew they heard everything that was said.

"Lauren," Harry said and then I burst into tears, and collapsed on the floor. I wish I could go and take everything I said back. I didn't mean it, I don't want her to leave. She won't leave right? No, she wouldn't.

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