Part Twenty-Seven

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Niall’s POV

I’ve been planning this day for a while now, hopefully Sophia will like it.

She stirred from where she was asleep on my chest but didn’t wake up. She looked so cute in her sleep, God now I sound like Edward Cullen. Great. I carefully slipped out of the bed, and quietly crept out the room. I walked into the kitchen and prepared a breakfast for her. I put it all on a tray and took it upstairs, Sophia was still asleep, good, I left the breakfast on the bedside table with a note on it. I then grabbed my clothes out of my wardrobe, sticking another letter on the wardrobe door, before heading to the bathroom and getting changed quickly.

I walked into my kitchen and left a box of chocolates on the counter with another note on it. I then picked up my keys and left my apartment. I drove to the restaurant and checked the booking was all good, which it was, then I drove to Sophia’s and the girl’s house and stuck another note on the door, then I went into her room and stuck another one in her wardrobe (checking the dress I’d asked Lauren to buy was in there, and it was), one in her bathroom, a couple in the kitchen, one on her laptop and I’ve organised one to be put in the limo that’ll be picking her up.

When all that was done, I had an hour to get ready, I knew Sophia would have already left my apartment so I went back there and had a shower and got ready before heading back to the restaurant and waiting for Sophia.

Sophia’s POV

I woke up and Niall wasn’t there, I rolled over and saw there was breakfast on a tray on the bedside table with a note on it. I sat up and pulled the tray on to my lap, I then read the note- which I had recognised as Niall’s hand writing.

‘Enjoy your breakfast, Happy Valentine’s Day’

I grinned and began eating breakfast, but I couldn’t help but wonder where Niall was… maybe he had to go into work or something. Probably.

Once I’d finished eating I thought I might as well get ready and meet up with the girls or something- I mean if Niall’s gone to work then the other boys would have too. So I slid out of the warm covers and headed to Niall’s wardrobe, I’m sure he won’t mind me borrowing some of his clothes until I get home.

I pulled open the wardrobe and chose some of his grey sweats and a green hoodie. I was just about to shut the wardrobe doors when I noticed another pink note stuck to the door. I ripped it off and read it.

‘I knew you’d borrow some! But don’t forget to go home and change into something nice for tonight’

For tonight? What does he mean? We don’t have anything planned for tonight do we? Oh well, I better do as he says…

I grabbed the tray and walked into his kitchen where I found a box of chocolates and another note.

‘Don’t eat them all at once, save room for tonight’

I smiled and then picked up all my stuff and walked outside, there was a car waiting for me outside already, I shrugged and climbed in. It seems the driver already knew where to go. Weird. Maybe Niall had organised this? When I got home I saw another pink note on the house door.

‘Hope you like surprises!’

I frowned, what could this mean? Urgh, everything was so confusing and mysterious… but I loved it! I ran upstairs and put the chocolates on my bed. I pulled open my wardrobe and grinned as I saw another pink note.

‘Pick out something nice!’

I laughed and chose out a light blue dress that came down to my knee. I’d never seen it before, maybe Niall put it in there? Or oje of the girls… They had amazing dress sense, maybe Niall asked one of them to get it for me. I found matching heels as well, which were a darker shade of blue and about three inches high. I put them on my bed and walked into my bathroom where I saw another note on my shower door.

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