Part Fifty-Seven

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Beth’s POV

I held my camera tightly in my hand as the boys came over to me. To say I was nervous was an under-statement. It was my first photo shoot, of course I was nervous, I didn’t want to mess this up. The music in the background from my iPod was soothing me a little.

“You’ll be fine Beth,” Louis kissed me.

“Okay, breath,” I whispered to myself as the rest of the boys joined us, Paul with them.

“So, what do you want us to do Beth?” Liam asked.

“How about, we have some individuals, then we have group ones, and then we can have a couple of ships ones,” I smiled and they all nodded enthusiastically.

“Right, let’s have Zayn first,” I smiled and Zayn nodded, taking his place in the middle of the whites.

“What do you want me to do?” Zayn asked.

“Just be yourself, strike some poses, be… Zayn Malik, not, Zayn Malik one fifth of One Direction,” I smiled and he smiled back and nodded before striking some poses and I moved around him taking photos.

“Liam!” I shouted as I finished with Zayn. Liam took Zayn’s place and I gave him the same advice, telling him to just be himself and be comfortable. Once I’d done all their individual pictures (I don’t think there was one where Niall wasn’t laughing, thanks to the other boys), I got them all together and took group ones.

“Work it Louis,” I laughed as he struck an obnoxious pose. It was great, because they were all having fun and being themselves. I must have took at least one hundred pictures by now.

“Right, now I just want Larry,” I grinned and Zayn, Niall and Liam walked out the way.

“Now, show this ship like you mean to,” I grinned and they nodded before Louis jumped into Harry’s arms, like they had just got married and Harry was carrying Louis bridal style on their honeymoon.

“Oh Boo Bear I love you,” Harry declared.

“Hazza, no one could ever replace you in my life,” Louis kissed Harry’s cheek.

“Hey!” I shouted, pouting.

“Other than Beth,” He added quickly.

“Hey!” Harry shouted.

“Louis’ in trouble,” Niall sang.

“Okay, okay, moving on, Niam,” I smiled and Niall and Liam swapped places with Louis and Harry. They went for more of a bromance approach on the whole thing.

“Aw, Niam is too cute,” I laughed, “Moving on, Ziall.” Again Zayn and Niall went for a bromance; I think all of the ships were bromance other than Louis and Harry who decided to take it to the next stage, jokingly of course.

“Ziam,” Liam swapped places with Zayn.

“Lilo,” I smiled, I love that ship name. Louis swapped places with Zayn and ‘Lilo’ did their little pinky finger pose they do. It was rather funny. Once I’d finally got through all the ships, and there are a lot of them, we were done.

“That’s it boys,” I smiled and we had a massive group hug.

“That has to be the best shoot we’ve ever done,” Niall cheered and the others agreed.

“Yeah Beth, it was great, really fun,” Zayn smiled.

“Thanks guys,” I laughed, “So, who wants to go for a drink?”

“Yes!” Harry shouted… the little alcoholic; cheeky bugger.

“I’ll call the girls and they can meet us at the pub,” I suggested and the other boys nodded. We all climbed into the car, after I packed my gear up. I’d look at the photos another time and sort through the good ones and the bad ones (deleting those). Paul drove us to a pub near mine and the girl’s house, the girls wouldn’t take long getting here, and it wouldn’t be a long walk back.

“Now, do not get drunk, I know what you’re like,” Paul said seriously.

“We won’t don’t worry Paul, we’ll just have a couple and then go home,” Liam said.

“Okay, I’m trusting you,” He said and we nodded before he drove off.

“Leggo!” I cheered and we all walked into the pub.

“I’ll get the drinks,” Louis said and we all gave him our order and he walked off with Zayn who said he’d help. The rest of us took a seat in a far booth, hidden from the rest of the pub.

“Hey Hey Hey!” Sophia cheered as the rest of the girls joined us. Told you it wouldn’t take them long to get here.

“Hey babe,” Niall smiled and kissed Sophia.

“How was the shoot?” Molly asked as the girls all took their seats. It was a little crowded.

“It was awesome, Beth is a great photographer,” Harry smiled.

“Thanks,” I blushed and looked down at the table.

“Do we get to see any of these photos?” Lauren asked.

“Once I’ve gone through them and deleted the not so good ones,” I nodded.

“Great, I look forward to it,” Mel smiled, “Where’s Zayn?”

“Getting the drinks with Louis, I think they’re ordering yours as well,” Liam replied.

“Okay,” She smiled. The other two soon joined us and we all sat around laughing and cracking jokes; I’m pretty sure Niall cracked something else… but let’s not get into that.

“So, we’ve got some news for you…” Liam started and we all looked at him, waiting for him to continue, all the lads started looking nervous and I shared a look with the girls… this couldn’t be good.

“Spit it out then,” Sophia said impatiently, trust her.

“We’re going on tour for three months… in America,” Louis said after a moment’s silence.

“T-Three months?” Lauren gasped as the rest of sat in shock.

America… Tour… Three months… Wow. That’s a long time.

“We know it’s a long time but it’s going to be good for us, and you can visit us all the time right?” Niall smiled hopefully.

“Of course,” Molly forced a smile, “It’ll be great.”

There was no doubt we were all happy for them and so proud of them, I mean to conquer  the US in so little time is unbelievable. But we were all thinking the same things… we know the American fans or Directioners can be a bit… full on, and they’ve been know flash at the boys. It made us nervous, we weren’t the best looking girls in the world, and there are girls out there much prettier than us, and to be honest it unnerved me to think of losing Louis.

“So, you girls are okay with us going…?” Harry asked.

“Harry, we don’t decide your career, we go along with it and support you with everything you guys do. We are so proud that you boys have conquered the US so fast, and it’ll be fine, as you said we can visit you throughout the three months… and we’re strong, we’ll make it through this and before you know it we’ll be together again. This is going to happen more often now you’re taking over the world,” Lauren joked the last bit, but it was true in the sense of music, “We just need to get used to it.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, pumping my fist in the air.

“Beth had to have her little say didn’t she,” Molly laughed and everyone joined in.

“Indeed I did young grasshopper, indeed I did,” I smirked and everyone cracked up laughing even more.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz