Part Twenty

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Sophia’s POV

We were all sat back around the camera in the lounge again and were answering questions fans were asking. “’Beth, how big is Louis' carrot?’” I read out the question that popped up and we all cracked up laughing.

“My carrot is very satisfactory I’ll have you know!” Louis said.

“Yes he’s right there,” Beth giggled.

“’Does Harry look good in his gold thong Lauren?’” Niall read the next question out.

“Very good… but you might have to show me again tonight babe, refresh my memory a bit,” Lauren winked at Harry who laughed.

“Very kinky,” I said and Zayn agreed.

“’Is it true Sophia bought you a dog for your birthday Mel?’” Liam read out.

“Yes, come here Abbie!” Mel grinned and Abbie bounded in the room and on to Mel’s lap.

“He’s a boy, but Mel wanted to call him Abbie,” I said, “Well, I’m going to head to bed.” I got up and walked out of the room, I heard someone follow me but ignored them, it was probably just Beth.

“Sophia can I talk to you please?” Nope not Beth… Niall.

“I guess I don’t have a choice,” I whispered and walked in to my room knowing Niall would follow.

I knew this moment would happen sooner or later, I just hoped it would be later rather than sooner.

“Just hear me out, then you can decided whether you believe me or not, it’ll be up to you,” Niall said repeating the words I’d said to him earlier in the year.

“Nice choice of words,” I actually cracked a smile.

“Thanks,” He smiled back but soon became serious and we both sat on my bed, “I didn’t kiss Courtney. I was heading to the bathroom, she followed me, I thought it was you who had followed me at first… she grabbed my arm and spun me round and kissed me before I could react. The next thing I knew you were there and my whole world came crashing down around me… don’t you see Sophia. You are my world… I love you and I never meant to cheat on you. It killed me to see you so hurt and when you were in hospital I wanted nothing more than to be by your side! Sophia I love you!” He said tears building in his eyes. I just sat there stunned.

“Y-You didn’t kiss Courtney?” I looked him in the eyes.

“No, I promise, I would never do that. You are the only girl for me, always have and always will be,” Niall said and I just knew he wasn’t lying.

“Niall,” I said but he cut me off.

“Please tell me you believe me,” He begged.

“I do Niall, I do believe you. But… I can’t just go back to the way we were… you hurt me, I know you didn’t mean to but you did… I need more time. I need you to prove to me that you love me and only me… I need you to fight for me,” I sighed tears falling down my cheeks.

“And I will fight Sophia… I will fight until I have you back in my arms again, nothing will stop me getting you back. I love you and I will prove that,” He said and stood up, I followed him.

“Goodnight Niall,” I whispered as he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

“Goodnight Sophia,” He kissed my forehead and I couldn’t help myself any longer. I threw my arms around his neck and just cried into his chest. It felt so good to be in his arms again, I felt so warm and safe as he wrapped his arms around my waist and sat me on his lap on his bed.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now