Part Twenty-Four

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Sophia’s POV

The next day the boys came round for lunch, which I cooked them and we had a great dessert of cooked grapes and ice-cream. I didn’t have much but I was cool with that.

“So, we’ve got a meeting now with management, but we shouldn’t be long, so we’ll come back after okay?” Liam asked.

“Sure,” The girls and I all agreed.

“Great, well, we’ll see you later,” Niall smiled and kissed me before the boys head out to the door.

“What do you want to do whilst the boys are gone?” I asked.

“I don’t mind, how about a twitcam, just for jokes, it’s not like people are going to watch it,” Lauren suggested.

“Okay,” We agreed.

I got out my laptop and booted it up. I logged into Twitter and tweeted we were doing a twitcam and then opened up the twitcam. Wow, we had 5K viewers and it was going up. “Hello!” We all waved at the camera.

“So we are bored whilst the boys are having a meeting with their management, so we decided to talk to the people of our planet, so any questions?” I grinned.

“’If zombies attacked the Earth what would you do?’” Beth read out the first question.

“Sounds like Zombie land,” Lauren grinned.

“Yeah buddy,” I laughed, that film is awesome.

“I’d get a pitch fork and stab them,” Molly winked at me.

“Ew that was gross, it went straight through the bodies and the tables they were on! And then were still alive afterwards!” I shouted; referring to a horror film Molly and I watched called The Crazies.

“I’d use a hose to spray them with water,” Lauren said.

“Why?” We asked her.

“Because they’ll be dirty and I could clean them, and they might drown in the process,” Lauren said as though she’d really thought it out.

“Right…” We all nodded.

“Well personally I’d go find Captain Jack Sparrow, because he is the most ninja person I know and I think I’d have the best chance of survival with him,” I smiled. Simple logic my friends.

“Sophia, Captain Jack Sparrow isn’t real,” Mel laughed.

“What?” I frowned, “Yes he is, he’s the ninja guy in Pirates of the Caribbean.”

“That’s him Soph, but it’s just a film… he’s not real, his actor is Johnny Depp,” Beth patted my head.

“No! He is real! This is just like when you told me Frankenstein wasn’t real!” I shouted at Mel.

“Frankenstein isn’t real!” Mel shouted back. Pretty soon ‘#PoorSophia’ was trending.

“Right next question,” Molly said, “’If you could use the love potion in Harry Potter on one person, who would it be?’”

“Good question,” I mumbled.

“Justin Bieber,” Lauren shouted.

“Captain Jack Sparrow,” I said, “Because then he could save my life and be all ninja.”

“Captain Jack Sparrow isn’t real!” Mel shouted, “But I’d use it on Jordan from Rizzle Kicks.”

“If he was real I’d use it on Damon Salvatore from Vampire Diaries, but sadly he isn’t real,” Molly sighed.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now