Author's Note

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Hello :)

So, I'd firstly like to thank you all for sticking through it and reading, commenting, voting, fanning and whatever else. So, thank you all so much.

Secondly, loads of you have been asking about a sequal. I have read so many good stories on wattpad that then go on to do sequals, and it just ruins the story. So, my answer to all of you asking about a sequal is... no. I will not be doing a sequal, because you have all said how much you love this story and I do not want to go and ruin it with a sequal. I'm sorry if you wanted a sequal, but nothing any of you say will change my mind. It's Gotta Be You is officially over.

So, thank you all, and please check out my other stories.

Much Love

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now