Part Twenty-Nine

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Sophia’s POV

I woke up and held tightly to Niall, knowing he was awake. “I don’t want you to leave me,” I mumbled into his chest.

“Aw, I don’t want to leave you either, but we’ll be together again in three weeks,” He smiled.

“I know but it’s so far away, three whole weeks,” I sighed.

“We can tweet, call, text and any other way of communicating, I’ll even send a letter with a bird if I have to,” He smiled.

“I love you,” I smiled and kissed him.

“I love you too,” He whispered.

"Three weeks, we can do this,” I said determinly.

“We can,” He nodded.

“And you’ll be having so much fun the time will fly by. And I… well actually I have no idea what I’ll be doing… but I shall make it fun!” I smiled.

“Right let’s get ready,” He grinned and we climbed out of his warm bed. Once we were both ready and Niall had checked everything was packed we left his apartment to meet the others. We were going out for breakfast then to the airport where we would say our goodbyes, they’d fly off to the US and we’d stay in the glorious UK, with its brilliant weather. Note the sarcasm…

“Morning!” I smiled as I saw everyone.

“Morning,” They chorused.

“Can we go eat now?” Niall asked and we all laughed.

“Of course we can,” I kissed his cheek and we climbed into the car. We got to the café we were having breakfast at- I have no idea what it was called - and ordered our food and well… ate it, that’s the general idea of having food… to eat it…

I’m going to stop now.

So, yes, anyway, then we went to the airport. We went with them to the check-in, and to where they had to put their luggage, but we couldn’t go any further.

“Soph, remember what I promised you? That I wouldn’t look at any other girls whilst I’m there, I really mean it,” Niall turned to me, his arms wrapped tightly round my waist.

“I believe you Niall, but just so you know, if you do when I get there in three weeks I’ll kick her arse and yours,” I smirked, “So don’t even go there.”

“Yes ma’am,” He saluted, then sighed, “I’m going to miss you these three weeks.”

“I’m going to miss you too, but come on, it’ll be fine, we can do this… aw I just thought,” I sighed.

“What?” He frowned.

“We’re not going to be together for St Patrick’s Day,” I sighed.

“Aw, well I’ll call you in the morning and we can celebrate together,” He grinned and kissed me.

“I love you Niall,” I grinned back at him.

“I love you too Sophia,” He whispered and then kissed me. I swear anyone watching us would think the boys were leaving for three years not three weeks.

Lauren was crying and Harry was trying to calm her down with reassurances that he wouldn’t go off with any other girls, because he loved her and there was no girl he’d rather be with, because no one was prettier or had a better personality then her- his words not mine.

Beth and Louis were kissing and whispering sweet nothings to each other and I’m pretty sure he was telling her how much he loved her. I mean, who wouldn’t, she is really pretty and has an amazing personality- she’s a lot like Lauren personality wise, sometimes I think they could be twins separated at birth the way they are always so in sync with each other.

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