Part Fifty-Six

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Beth’s POV

“H-Husband to be?” I gasped as I stared in horror at the boy in front of me.

“Yes Bethany, this is an arranged marriage,” My mother smirked at me.

“N-No,” I muttered, stepping away from the boy. I tore my eyes away from him and looked over to Louis in a panic. I can’t get married to a stranger when I have a boyfriend that I love! Louis was staring at Rick in shock, he wore a pained expression and even from across the room I could see his eyes full of hurt amd anger.

“Don’t worry about being too young Bethany, it’ll be fine, and we’ve got two months until the wedding, we can get to know each other during that time… it’ll be okay,” Rick smiled and walked towards me.

“No, I don’t want to get married,” I said backing up again.

“We’ve been through this Bethany, it’ll be fine, you and Rick have time to get to know each other before; it’ll be good for you to settle down,” Jonathon smiled.

“No, you don’t understand! I don’t want to marry him!” I pointed at Rick.

“What do you mean? You’ll see, Rick is an amazing guy, he’ll be good for you,” My mother said.

“No! Stop! Leave me alone! I will not marry him!” I shouted.

“Why not?” Charles asked.

“Because I have a boyfriend and I love him!” I shouted.

“W-Who?” My father asked.

“Louis! Louis is my boyfriend! I thought we’d been through this!” I waved my hands around.

“Louis?” All eyes turned to Louis who was still sitting in shock at the table still.

“Maybe we should leave,” Monica said and Jonathon nodded before her and Rick hurried out the house.

“Bethany you have to marry Rick,” My father said as I collapsed in my seat beside Louis.

“No, Jimmy protested!” I shouted, making everyone jump. Louis and I started laughing, whilst my family looked at us in a disappointed manner. I took hold of Louis’ hand after we calmed down. He looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back and he mouthed ‘I love you’. This made me smile wider, and a light blush appeared on my cheeks. He smirked as he saw my blush and winked at me. I knew he loved the fact he could still make me blush even after we’d been together for almost a year now.

“But if you don’t marry Rick, Monica won’t marry me!” Jonathon shouted angrily.

“Oh and it’s all about you isn’t it! What about what I want?” I shot back.

“Bethany be quiet and do as we ask for once in your life,” My mother snapped.

“No, I will not back down, I love Louis, I will never love Rick,” I shook my head.

“Bethany,” I cut Jonathon.

“My name is Beth for heaven’s sake! That is it! I am done!” I shouted and jumped out my seat.

I stormed out the room and left into the back garden, via the back door. I wasn’t sure where I was going; my feet were sort of just walking. I was glaring at nothing in particular ahead of me, with a frown upon my face, my lips pursed. My arms were bent at the elbow, in an ‘L’ sort of shape, and I held them strongly by my sides; and I was doing a sort of stroppy march as I walked through the grassy grounds.

I was vaguely aware of Louis following behind me.

Louis. My boyfriend. The boy I love. How could my family arrange a marriage for me? How could they think I’d leave Louis for someone I don’t even know? How could they be so stupid?

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