Part Forty-Five

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Molly’s POV

I got the job at the café, the money wasn’t great, but it was a start. I’d worked there for two weeks now. Weekday mornings, I got up at seven whilst Liam was asleep, got ready and left for eight. My shift started at half eight, but the café opened at nine. On Saturday I worked from twelve o’clock till closing time at five; Sunday’s was my day off. I liked the job, it was nice meeting new people; some were regulars and came in every morning.

I hadn’t met Eleanor yet, but it was scheduled for tonight. I was quite excited to be honest, she seemed nice enough, from what Jeremy has said, and apparently she’s excited to see me too. I hope we get on. I’m sure we will.

I haven’t told Louis yet, I don’t know if he knows, there was this stupid article in a magazine the day after Jer and my meeting. It was about me cheating on Liam with Jeremy (the journalist didn’t know he was my brother), who was cheating on Eleanor, Louis’ ex-girlfriend. It was quite an interesting article; I learnt some very interesting stuff about myself that I didn’t know before, like I’m an ‘only child who is bored of her life and Liam Payne is not showing her enough attention, so she seeks it elsewhere, which happens to be with Louis Tomlinson’s ex-girlfriend, Eleanor Calder’s new boyfriend’. Ridiculous.

It did make me laugh though. It made for a good read as well. “I’m just nipping out,” I said standing up off the sofa where Liam and I were sitting watching Toy Story.

“Where to?” He asked me.

“Out,” I shrugged vaguely. He didn’t reply I grabbed my bag that had my uniform in and headed out the door, walking to the café.

“Afternoon,” I smiled at Chloe, a girl I work with.

“Hello Molly, how are you? Any more interesting articles?” She winked and I laughed.

“Not that I know of,” I laughed, she knew about the articles, apparently she was quite a big fan of One Direction, and keeps up to date with everything One Direction related; but I explained what happened and she knew the article was a load of hog-wash.

“Right, well, best get on before Jeff has a go at us,” She smiled; Jeff was our boss. Chloe had set up the coffee machines and starting cooking some cakes and things. She’s a really good cook. Business was quite slow, it usually was until about one o’clock when elderly people came in for their lunch.

“Morning Pam,” I smiled as an elderly lady walked in for her usual full English breakfast; even though it was lunch time.

“Afternoon Molly dear,” She smiled.

“The usual?” I asked as Chloe already started making it.

“Yes thank you dear,” She smiled and handed me the money.

“It’ll be right with you,” I smiled and she thanked me once more before sitting in her usual seat by the window as more people filed in. I took their orders and wrote them down and handed them to Chloe. I made everyone’s drinks and handed them out, and soon after I gave them their meals as well. At about three o’clock it calmed down again, with only the odd costumer.

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