Part Fifty-Eight

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Harry’s POV

“Lauren!” Sophia screamed and burst into Lauren’s room as we were in the middle of a very good make-out session.

“Sophia, what could possibly be so important that you have to break up me and Harry, whilst we were… busy?” Lauren sighed, sliding off my lap and sitting next to me on her bed.

“Justin Bieber is in LONDON! Like right now!” Sophia screamed and I swear she popped my eardrums.

“Oh Christ! Jesus catch me! We are in the same city as Justin Bieber!” Lauren screamed jumping up and down with Sophia.

“I’m getting a headache,” I muttered and walked out the room, leaving the fangirling girls behind me.

“What’s going on up there?” Niall asked.

“Lauren and Sophia are fangirling because they’re in the same city as Justin Bieber,” I shrugged.

“Oh my gosh! Really?” Niall grinned and ran upstairs, I soon heard him joining in the fangirling. It was even worse when we actually met Justin whilst we were in America. Bless him.

“So, we’ve got a day off today,” Liam announced.

“Yes!” I fist pumped.

“Why are you so excited?” Zayn asked.

“I’m going to do something special for Lauren before we leave,” I smiled.

“Probably a good idea,” They all nodded.

“Three months is a long time…” Louis sighed.

“Yes… it’s going to be hard,” Liam muttered.

“But we’ll get through it, I mean they’ll visit, we can tweet and skype them; and we’ve got each other, we’ll be having so much fun out there. Sure they’ll be those days when we miss them, but we’ll just have to cheer each other up on those days, because if we’re missing the girls, then we’ll be missing our families too, we’ve seen less of our families than the girls. We can make it through the three months, if not then we’re absolute love sick prissy’s ,” Zayn finished his pep talk.

“Team fall in,” Louis shouted and we all put our hands in the middle (other than Niall who was still fangirling).

“One Direction, minus Niall,” Louis chanted, “T-E-A-M 1-D, Team 1D, GO!”

“Team 1D!” We all cheered laughing at Louis’ childish attitude.

“Vas Happenin?” Mel walked in.

“You spend way too much time around Zayn,” I commented and everyone laughed as Mel sat on Zayn’s lap.

“There’s always a party when I’m around,” Zayn said in his defence.

“Whatever you say babe,” Mel laughed and kissed his cheek.

“I am fun to be around,” Zayn whined.

“If you say so Zayn,” I joined in picking on Zayn; it was just too good an opportunity to miss.

“I am fun to be around right?” He asked in a slightly panicked voice.

“If that’s what you want,” Liam smiled.

“Seriously guys, I’m not messing! Am I fun to be around?” He looked at us all with wide eyes.

“You are just too fun to mess with,” Louis laughed, setting us all off laughing.

“I hate you all,” Zayn muttered.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now