Part Nine

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Mel’s POV

Zayn and I got in the car and the driver drove us to this mystery destination, well mystery to me. “Please tell me where we are going,” I begged Zayn, pouting a little.

“No,” He smirked and kissed my nose.

“But I don’t like surprises!” I pouted.

“Tough,” He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“I hate you,” I grumbled.

“Ouch, hate is a very strong word missy,” He pouted, and held his heart.

“Fine, I really really really really really really really dislike you right now, better?” I smiled innocently.

“Much,” He grinned, “But you know you love me.”

“I know,” I sighed; he wasn’t meant to hear, but I think he did, because a huge grin spread across his face, causing me to blush.

“Right we’re here,” Zayn smiled as the car slowed down.

“But where is here?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” He winked, causing me to look away, hiding the blush that now coloured my cheeks.

“Fine, let’s go,” I grinned and started bouncing up and down in anticipation.

“Okay,” He laughed and jumped out the car- very sexily, I might add- he then held out his hand, which I took instantly, and then he helped me out of the car. What a gentleman!

“Oh my Godric!” I gasped as I saw where we were.

“Godric?” Zayn laughed.

“Damn you Sophia, getting me to use your stupid Harry Potter phrases!” I cursed under my breath but I think Zayn heard me because he chuckled quietly.

“You ready?” He asked and squeezed my hand.

“Uh-huh,” I mumbled looking around with wide-eyes, I probably looked so silly but for me, this was amazing. It looked so picturesque, and beautiful, no wonder we were a while in the car- but this is so worth it. He chuckled and we started walking towards the beach, I slipped my shoes off before we got on to the sand. I had never been to a beach - I told Zayn that before - this is amazing. He is amazing. He led me to this hill of sand and we walked round to the side and I gasped again, a grin spreading across my face.

“Do you like it?” He looked worried.

“No,” I shake my head smiling, “I love it.”

“You had me worried for a second there,” He sighed and led me over to the picnic blanket. He had laid a picnic blanket out which had a few candles around it; there was a picnic blanket and a bucket full of ice with a wine bottle in it. It was perfect. I had the perfect guy, on the perfect date, a picnic on the beach in front of the sea, at night. I’m in heaven.

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