Part Six

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Sophia’s POV

“You ready?” I asked walking over to the boys.

“Yes,” Niall smiled, snapping out his daze and holding out his hand which I took.

“Niall! Louis! Harry! Is it true you’re going on dates?” A journalist said popping up from behind the car, scaring me half to death- causing me to jump back into Niall and he caught me before I had the chance to fall and break my ankle in these heels.

“Let’s go,” He whispered and we hopped into the first car; the others followed our lead.

We had a driver take us to a restaurant and Niall (like the gentleman he was) helped me out the car and escorted me into the restaurant. We took a seat away from everyone else; it was in a private booth thing, so no fans would bother us.

“You look beautiful Sophia,” Niall smiled and I blushed.

“You look amazing too,” I smiled.

“Order?” The waiter asked and we gave him our orders, mine was a small salad as a starter and a lasagne as a main, and Niall’s… well, I could tell you, but we’d be here for hours, so let’s leave it at, he ordered a lot.

“So, you never did tell me, what work do you do?” He asked me.

“Oh, erm, I’m a model,” I muttered, blushing.

“Oh, that’s interesting, what do you model?” He asked.

“Anything, I’m not a professional model, I just fill in when people can’t make it, so I do whatever, like today, I had a shoot earlier,” I smiled.

“Really? What did you model today?” He asked, genuinely interested.

“Lingerie,” I blushed.

“Really? Interesting, I’ve never dated a model before,” He smiled.

“Really?” I frowned.

“Yeh,” He smiled and I smiled back.

“So, do I get to see any of your modelling pictures?” He smirked.

“Maybe, if you’re lucky you might get to see some of my outfits,” I smirked.

“You get to keep them?” He asked.

“Yes, and I get to keep a copy of the pictures as well,” I smiled, it’s nice to have someone listen to you.

“Cool, I’d like to see them sometime,” He smiled.

“I'm sure you would,” I winked and he laughed, then our food came.

We carried on talking more after that, and once we finished our dinners we left the restaurant and got back in the car, we then drove to the little park that I’d been at the other day. He took my hand and pulled me over to the swing. I sat on it and he pushed me, whilst I laughed.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now