Part Sixty-Three

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Sophia’s POV

“I’ll see you later,” Niall kissed me on the cheek.

“Sure,” I smiled, “Have a good performance.”

“Will do,” He winked and hurried out after the boys. They had a performance at eleven o’clock (unusually early, but that was fine by us) then they were going to a signing in the nearby shopping centre after, and that’s when the fun begins.

“Everyone know the plan?” Beth asked as soon as the door shut.

“Yes,” We all nodded.

“Let’s do this,” We grinned. We all logged onto our Twitter accounts and opened a new tweet up, all of us writing the same thing.

@SophiaLucky: DIRECTIONERS! We need your help! Who is going to the signing today? We are going to prank the boys, more info coming up, please RT, get the word out!

We all tweeted it and then opened the Twitter app on the boys phones (we already took their phones and laptops and things so they couldn’t go on Twitter), the silly boys left the app logged in; they are making this too easy. We re-tweeted our each of our tweets.

@NiallOfficial: Hacked Nialls account, Soph here :) spread the word Directioners! Pranking the boys at signing today, more info to come, RT and get the word out!

I then went on mine on the laptop and tweeted again.

@SophiaLucky: Today the girls and me are going to dress up as the boys, its your job to come to us at the signing instead of the boys, more info coming, RT spread the word

I tweeted it and opened up another tweet.

@SophiaLucky: You will get to see the boys after, but first lets have some fun first! So #1DPrankParty who’s in?

@SophiaLucky: Just come to our queue today in the shopping mall to join in the prank on One Direction, security knows about it too! Gonna be so fun! #1DPrankParty

I finished tweeting the info and went on Niall’s account and re-tweeted everything, including what the girls had put, which was similar to what I’d put.

Going to be so good.

“Everyone done?” I asked.

“Yes,” They all nodded.

“Let’s go get ready,” I grinned.

“So, what is everyone wearing?” Lauren asked as we walked up the stairs.

“How about we all pick an outfit we know our boyfriend would wear and then we meet in the hall and exchange clothes,” Molly suggested logically. We all nodded and split off into our own rooms.

I walked over to my wardrobe and flicked through the clothes Niall brought over here. I pulled out a cream pair of Chino’s and a red polo shirt, as well as grabbing his white Supras. I then went back into the hallway where the others were waiting for me.

“Right, so Lauren gets Niall’s clothes, as she’s the only blonde,” Beth instructed and I handed Niall’s clothes to Lauren, she took them in one hand and had Harry’s in her other.

“Then I think, since Sophia dyed her hair, she has the darkest hair colour, so she gets Zayn’s,” Mel handed me Zayn’s clothes.

“You should have Liam’s Mel, because you’ve to the same hair colour as him, or near enough anyway,” I said and she took Liam’s clothes.

“Right, so Harry and Louis, Molly and Beth… I think Molly should be Louis so Beth isn’t Louis, besides they have pretty much the same hair colour,” Lauren said and we all nodded, so Beth took Harry’s clothes and Molly took Louis’.

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