Part Thirteen

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Sophia’s POV

I woke up with a banging head ache, I looked around me and didn’t recognise where I was. I definitely wasn’t at the hotel, and I wasn’t in the club. I sat up ignoring the throbbing pain in my head and the world spinning around me.

I looked around me properly when the spinning slowed down. Holy songbird! How the hell did I get here! How the hell do I get down?!

I was on top of a building- I’m guessing it’s the club, but I’m not sure. Ever seen Hangover? When they find the guy and he’s on the hotel roof? Yes, well imagine that hotel roof, that’s what it looks like. I have no idea how I got here.

I looked down at myself and saw I was still in my clothes, but I had no shoes on. I sighed and stood up, I need one, a strong coffee and two, some painkillers. I stumbled around on the roof until I found a door which lead to some stairs, which went downstairs. So that’s where I headed.

I got down the stairs and didn’t recognise where the hell I was. This was not the club we started in. Yes, it was a club, but not the one Mel had her party in. Did we move on and I don’t remember?

I mentally slapped myself for drinking so much last night. “Are you okay Miss?” Someone asked me from behind.

“Sorry, do you know what the time is?” I asked.

“Yes, it’s three in the afternoon,” The man smiled.

“Okay, thank you,” I forced a smile back.

Three in the afternoon. Three in the freaking afternoon. THREE IN THE AFTERNOON!

“Erm, can you show me the way out?” I asked politely.

“Sure,” He smiled and led the way. When we got to the door he handed me five pounds.

“I don’t need this,” I shook my head and went to hand him the money back.

“There’s a café over the road, go get a strong coffee, it’ll help,” He laughed and walked away.

“Thanks,” I shouted but it hurt my head even more. I walked across the road and went into the café, I ordered a strong coffee and then went into the bathroom. I looked a right mess.

I turned on the tap and washed all the smudged make-up off my face. Then I used my fingers to try and pull the knots out of my hair, I then went back out of the bathroom, when I looked more presentable. I picked up my coffee from the waitress and sat at a table. I sat at the table nearest to the window and looked out, trying to see where I was.

I didn’t recognise any of the shops, but I could make out a street sign a little way up the road, but I couldn’t read it from here, I’d look after I’ve had my coffee.

Once I finished my coffee I left the café and walked down the street- still bare foot; which caused me to get many funny looks. I walked over to the street sign and laughed. I was near the back of the hotel.

I walked around the corner and saw the hotel further up the street. I breathed a sigh of relief and headed there after picking some painkillers up, with the left over money from my coffee. I made it to the room, but nobody was there. I didn’t think anything of it and just went to the sink, got a glass of water and took two painkillers, leaving the rest on the side. Then I grabbed some fresh clothes and walked into the bathroom and had a long shower, washing my hair as well. I got out, got dressed, cleaned my teeth and dried my hair. I sat on the bed and then the door opened.

“Where the hell is she?” It was Niall.

“I don’t know, but she’ll be fine,” That had to be Daddy Direction, Liam.

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