Par Thirty-Tree

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Sophia’s POV

We went through the airport and got our cases (we had one case each- so five in total) and then we had to look for the boys. The boys had tweeted us saying they’d be here to pick us up, yesterday before we got on the plane. “Where are they?” Beth mumbled as we all strained our necks to look for the five familiar boys.

I scanned the crowd of people- which was a lot, as it was a huge airport. People were walking everywhere, pushing trolley’s stacked high with cases and bags, parents holding on to struggling children that try and run off, couples holding hands and weaving through the crowds, and other people like us, the people who are looking around for loved ones, friends, holiday reps, or taxi drivers. We must have been standing there for about three minutes, looking like complete idiots as we searched for our boyfriends in the mass of people, until I finally saw someone I knew.

“There’s Paul!” I shouted and we all grabbed our case which we had left on the floor whilst we were looking. We then ran over to where Paul was standing with a trolley for us to put our cases on. As soon as we reached him we started firing questions at him all at the same time.

“How are the boys?”

“Are they okay?”

“Did they get new girlfriends whilst we were gone?”

“Did they miss us?”

“Where are they?”

“Are they hiding?”

“Are they in the car?”

“Stop!” Paul said holding up his hand and we all clamped our mouths shut.

“Breathe,” He said calmer and we all took a deep breath through our noses, as our mouths were still shut.

“Calm?” He asked and we all nodded silently.

“Right, to answer your questions,” Paul said slowly.

“The boys are good.”

“Yes, they are okay.”

“No, they didn’t get new girlfriends.” (He rolled his eyes at this one).

“Yes, they missed you, a lot.”

“No, they are not hiding.”

“No, they are not in the car.”

“They are at an interview.”

He answered every question individually.

“But, they said they’d be here,” Lauren whispered, looking very upset, as though she was about to cry, I placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. We all new Lauren missed Harry a lot, as we missed our own boyfriends, she was forever worrying about him finding a new girlfriend, even though we kept telling her he loved her and nothing would ever change that. Sometimes we had to slap her (lightly) across the face to get her to snap out of her worrying; it could be quite annoying, because then we’d worry about our boyfriends leaving us. Then we’d all be worrying and all hell would break loose.

“I know, and they are just as gutted as you, they really wanted to come, but they had a last minute interview to do. But look on the bright side, you can all clean up and look all pretty for when they see you,” Paul smiled.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now