Part Three

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Sophia’s POV

I watched as the girls unnoticeably slipped through the crowd and round the corner. I ran downstairs and into the lounge where the boys were watching The Inbetweeners Movie. “Hey, can I borrow one of you for a moment?” I asked.

“Why?” They asked.

“I need help getting over the back garden fence,” I smiled.

“Why?” They repeated.

“The girls got back sooner than expected, so I’m going to go get them and tell them what’s going on,” I shrugged.

“Okay,” They nodded.

“So…” I said after a moment.

“What?” They asked.

“Is one of you coming?” I asked.

“Oh right, I’ll come,” Niall said standing up and following me into the garden.

“1…2…3…” He said and gave me a leg up and over the fence.

“Cheers Niall, I’ll be back in a minute, you can wait or go back inside I don’t mind,” I said over the fence.

“I’ll wait, it’s okay,” He said.

“Okay, I’ll be as quick as I can,” I shouted as I ran into the house.

“Hello Miss Kingsley, are the girls here?” I asked as I walked in through the back door.

“Oh yes dear, come on through,” The elderly lady smiled.

“Thank you,” I smiled and walked into the lunge.

“Explain,” They girls said when I walked in. And so I did, I explained everything from meeting One Direction yesterday to Niall helping me over the fence just now, every little detail.

“Oh my gosh! One Direction are in our house!” Molly squealed.

“Guys, they probably don’t want us all going fangirl on them, just act natural and be yourselves,” Beth laughed.

“Yes, they’re really nice, just treat them as normal lads in the street, not famous people,” I said.

“Okay, let’s go,” Lauren smiled. We thanked Miss Kingsley and walked back through the garden, we gave each other leg ups over and I told them to wait on the other side and then I was left on my own. Crap, how do I get across?

“Er guys, I’m kind of stuck!” I shouted.

“One second,” Niall shouted and hopped over the fence.

“Wow!” My eyes widened as he landed perfectly on the grass beside me, “You must be some kind of ninja!”

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now