Part Twelve

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Beth’s POV

“Okay, enough tonsil tennis guys,” Harry laughed and pulled us apart- me blushing like mad.

“Anyway, let’s do some Zumba!” Liam shouted excitedly and everyone nodded. The music started and Olivia told us to split in two, and face each other- we were going to do a dance off. I recognised the music as ‘Everybody Dance Now’ and grinned at the girls as we stood on one side of the room opposite the boys.

Olivia started dancing at the front and we copied. Us girls looking pretty good… the boys, well, that was a totally different story. I mean, you’d have thought they’d be good- you know being famous, and all; they should be good and when you see them on X Factor and in concerts they are good. But oh no, they were terrible. They had no idea what was going on.

“I said LEFT!” Olivia shouted at Louis, half-way through the song.

“What?” He shouted as he spun towards the right, causing him to spin right into Harry, who then fell back into Liam and they all fell into Zayn, ending up- very ungracefully- in a heap on the floor.

I started laughing and forgot the other girls were still dancing, I was laughing so much that I nearly fell on the floor but caught myself before I did. I tried to stand upright again but as I did so, Lauren spun into my side I yelped and fell on the floor, sliding a little as it was a really slippy floor. I groaned as I felt a heavy weight land on me. “Mel!” I groaned into the floor as her head poked over my shoulder.

“Sorry, I didn’t- UGH!” She groaned as another heavy weight was added to my back.

“Molly!” We both groaned.

“Sorry,” She was then cut off by Lauren screaming.

“PILE ON!” Lauren shouted at the top of her lungs and then all I could hear was the shuffling of feet and then loads and loads of weight was piled on top of me making me groan in pain.

“I… can’t…breathe…” I gasped into the floor, trying to get air into my lungs.

“Guys!” Mel shouted sounding a little out of breath too. Slowly I felt the weight begin to shift off me before I could finally breathe and stand up.

Five more songs, three more pile on’s, and many more disasters later we were all doing the elbow shuffle (Inbetweener’s dance) in a line to the last song. “And finish!” Olivia laughed as we finished the song.

“Right, let’s go to the spa!” Lauren grinned broadly.

“Let’s go to the gym!” Louis winked at me and I laughed.

“I want to go to the gym too,” I smiled at Mel and she nodded.

“Right, well Molly and I shall go to the spa, and we’ll meet you two there in a bit then?” Lauren suggested.

“Sure, let’s go,” I grinned at Mel and she smiled back. We left the room and walked a bit down the corridor.

“Oh I forgot my water bottle,” I lied, “I’ll meet you in the gym.”

“Okay, I can come back with you…” Mel said.

“No, no it’s fine,” I smiled and ran back into the room we’d just come out of.

“Hey Olivia,” I smiled and walked over to her, “We’re having a surprise party for Mel tonight, it’s her birthday. I wondered if you wanted to come?” I asked smiling.

“Sure! If that’s okay I mean…” She smiled sheepishly.

“I wouldn’t have asked otherwise,” I laughed, before giving her the details about tonight and then I ran to the gym and joined Mel.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now