Part Fifty-Three

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Molly’s POV

I rolled over in bed, I was in that state where you were awake but couldn’t be bothered to get up. I heard some sort of commotion going on outside, but I couldn’t be bothered to go find out what it was. I was too comfortable lying here curled up in Liam’s arms, my head rested on his chest.

“Should we go see what it is?” Liam murmured knowing I was awake.

“No,” I mumbled “Too comfy.”

“Okay,” He chuckled. There was a loud crash outside our door and I bolted up right in my bed. To say it made me jump was an understatement.

“You okay?” Liam held back his laugh.

“Shut up, it made me jump okay?” I tried to sound annoyed but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. How could I when there is a hot guy shirtless lying in my bed?

“Okay,” He sat up and kissed my neck.

“Morning b*tches!” A giant fox swung the door open to our room and jumped in; holding on the ‘s’ of ‘b*tches’.

I screamed so loud; I didn’t even know it was possible, but I’m sure dogs could hear it. “G-Get away from me!” I screeched and pushed myself flat against the headboard, hiding my face in Liam’s neck.

“That was hilarious!” I heard Beth laughing, but I didn’t dare look up.

“Mel? What the hell?” Liam muttered.

“Happy Late April Fools mother f*ckers,” Mel shouted.

“Is it gone yet?” I whispered.

“Nope,” Mel popped her ‘p’.

“Mel, either take that off, or leave the room,” Liam instructed.

“If you want a stripper Liam,” Mel started but was cut off by something… I think Liam threw a pillow at her.

I nervously peered over Liam’s shoulder and saw that the ‘fox’ was in fact Mel in a fox onesie. I still didn’t like it; but I couldn’t help and laugh. She was lying on the floor with the pillow Liam had just threw at her, on her face.

“Fifty points for the head shot!” Beth shouted.

“Sha-Bang!” Liam smiled and high-fived me.

“Did Liam just say ‘Sha-Bang’?” Sophia burst out laughing and soon we all joined in. Mel still on the floor. She’s a fool. A fool I tell you.

Sophia was laughing so much, she tripped on the un-suspecting Mel and landed on top of her.

“Sophia! Get your fat arse off me!” Mel shouted. Of course we all knew she was joking. Sophia wasn’t fat, but Mel could have chosen her words better- after what Sophia’s just been through. I held my breath waiting for Sophia’s reply.

“Hmm, I don’t think so, I’m quite comfy here actually,” Sophia laughed and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“No! You’re not! You are removing you’re butt from my stomach right this instant!” Mel shouted.

“I don’t know, you’re really comfy Mel, and I think you deserve it,” She smirked and we all laughed again.

“You’re evil,” She muttered but then rolled over and Sophia fell on the floor. It was all silent for a second and then Sophia groaned setting us all off laughing once more.

“W-What’s going on?” Zayn mumbled walking in, “W-Why’s it so d-dark?”

Zayn’s POV

I woke up to people talking and screaming loudly. I panicked a little as I saw the bedside light wasn’t switched on. My breathing quickened as I fumbled with it trying to turn it on. I flicked the switch but the light wouldn’t come on. In my panic I stumbled out the bed and pulled back the curtain, but no light came through the window. I didn’t understand.

It's Gotta Be You ~One Direction FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant