Part Thirty-Two

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Sophia's POV

"As I walk out the shop, this is what I see, Katniss Everdeen staring at me, I got a loaf in my hand and I ain't afraid to throw it throw it throw it, I'm Peeta and I know it!" I sang loudly bouncing in my seat.

"It's a good song, but shut up, we're trying to sleep," Beth moaned as she rested her head against the aeroplane window.

"Fine," I huffed, "You guys are no fun."

"It's two in the morning," They all said.

"But we are on a plane! And we are going to America!" I bounced in my seat excitedly.

I've never been on a plane before, let alone America. It was understatement to say I was excited. Plus! I was going to see Niall! Well, I had been on a plane before, to Ireland with Niall, but the journey was so short I didn't class it was a proper plane ride, this one was a whole nine hours of fun! Besides, I was too excited and nervous to comprehend the fact I was on a plane, due to the fact I'd have been meeting Niall's entire family once I'd got off. No, this plane journey I was going to enjoy.

"Honestly, I don't know how you guys can sleep," I sighed.

"We can't, you know why?" Molly said to me.

"Because you're super-duper excited about being on a plane, and going to America to see our boyfriends that we haven't seen in three weeks?" I grinned.

"No, because some annoying girl won't shut up and let us sleep," Lauren said sounding very angry and tired... not good.

"Really?" I asked, "Where is she I'll go tell her to shut up! Oh..."

The annoying girl was me... Well this is sufficiently awkward.

"Yes, it's you, now shut up and let us sleep," Mel growled from where her head was hid under a pillow. Strange, I'm sure last time I checked, that pillows were meant to be under your head not over... Maybe it's a new craze. I should try it some time.

I laid my head back on the head rest and my mind wandered back to the past week. After we'd come home from Cromer we did literally nothing for a day, then we went Alton Towers for the day. That was good...

"A to the L to the T to the O to the N to the SPACE to the T to the O to the W to the E to the R to the S, Alton Towers!" I shout-sang for the seventeenth time- yes I counted. What can I say? I'm bored and I like making up songs about the place we are going.

"Do you have to do this every time we go out?" Molly sighed rubbing her temples.

"No, only when I'm bored and excited," I said, "A to the L to the T to the O to the N to the SPACE to the T to the O to the W to the E to the R to the S, Alton Towers!"

"Sophia please stop," Mel begged me.

"How about, we play a game instead?" Lauren suggested.

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