Public Enemies: Part 5

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Danny charges at Dash, as they both are pummeling down to the highway and crash into a car when Lancer's body slams Danny and he is sent tumbling. Flying in front of him I charge up an ectoblast and zap Lancer away before we try to fly away. The principal was carrying a weapon and shot it at me, a grabbling hook grabbed ahold of me and then began to shock me until Danny grabbed the cord and flung the principal into a water tower. Suddenly Paulina appeared and started dragging Danny on a wall as she exclaimed "You can't get away from me." "Wow, I waited for all puberty for a girl to say that to me and now it's a complete bummer."

"Too bad, better luck next time. Want any help getting rid of her?" I ask flying next to the two and he shakes his head no as he grabs her by the wrists and flings her away as well. We land on the side of the building, preparing to fight when Kwan flew up, showing off his weapon as if it were nun-chucks. Arching an eyebrow I look at Danny and he rolls his eyes in annoyance as he points a finger gun and blasts Kwan to the ground.

Flying down Danny stomps on Kwan before moving on and I stomp on Kwan a minute later, following Danny before being chased by the ghosts again. We fly over the town and I recognize where we're headed so I turn invisible and fly into Fenton Works, transforming back in the living room as Danny races to the lab and turns on the ghost shield, preventing them from following us into the house. Quickly transforming Danny races upstairs and we look out the window to see all the ghosts standing around before Danny reaches over me and pulls the blinds shut. 

"Should we go after them?" "No, no it's that anti-ghost dome. We can't get in but they can't get out and by tomorrow this place will be under complete lockdown," Walker phased out of Dash as the guards switch up bodies as Walker continues. "I need to put the final phase of my plan into action and tie up some loose ends."

At Tucker's place, Walker activated Wulf's collar which began to shock him as he stated "You've outlived your usefulness Wulf...goodbye." Wulf had been looking at a photo album, specifically a photo of me, Danny, Sam, and Tuck when the collar had started to shock him.

"That collar it's hurting him!" "What did you think it was, a fashion accessory? We have to get it off." Sam exclaimed as Tucker pulled out his PDA and connected it to Wulf's collar, shocking Tuck in the process and the PDA overrides the collar and it falls off. "No libera!" Wulf shouts happily and Tucker says "Of course your free, you-" Tucker was cut of when Wulf hopped out the window and Tuck shouted "Your welcome!" "We should call Danny," Sam said as she pulled her phone out. Just as she was about to call, Tucker's parents entered the room. "Nine o'clock, curfew time. Lights out, phones off, technology down, computers off." "It's too dangerous for us to take you home Sam, you'll have to stay here." 

"And so we know you kids are safe your mom and I will stay in the room with you." Tuck's parents said, causing Sam to sigh and state "Alright, next time we take the extra-dimensional fugitive to my place." Looking down at the photo of the four of us, Wulf lifts his hood up and starts his search.

Danny wakes up on the couch with fright as he looks around his home. "I fell asleep?" Danny asked looking outside to see the ghost shield still up. "At least the shield is still up," Danny turns around and eyes a clock "And it's 10:18?!" Crossing her arms Sam gives her remark "Morning sleeping beauty."

"How'd you guys get in? The shield is still up." Danny asks and Tuck replies with "Hey, it's a ghost shield, not a human shield." "Walker is overshadowing everyone around me, I think he's trying to turn everyone in town against me and (s/n)." "Well, that would explain this:" Tuck turns on the tv which was showing the news.

"We only have one piece of business today: defeating the ghosts that infest our town. And to do that I'm calling for a vote to seed all ghost policing and security decisions to Maggie Fenton-I mean Jack. Jack Fenton, the completely competent Jack Fenton; and we've located the ghosts responsible for all the terror inflicted on our town. These two," He raises a photo of me and Danny, caught off guard when the photo was taken and you could hear the citizens gasp in the background.

Grabbing the remote I turn the tv off as me and Danny blankly stare at the screen. "You know, I have to say: as far as any master plans go, this one's pretty thorough," Tuck said crossing his arms. I cross my arms too as I turn to Tuck with a glare stating "It's not funny Tuck." "Yeah I'm getting my butt kicked all over the place," Danny says as he starts to tick off his fingers as he continues "At school, at home and now this?! Me and (s/n) will be public ghost enemy number one!" Danny whispers that the last part as Tucker grabs the Fenton Thermos and hands it to him. "Here you go buddy, your gonna need this." "Are you nuts? If I leave this house I'm dead." "Danny you've got to do something! You can't just leave (s/n) hanging because if you two don't do something who will?" Sam asked as I snuck out and went ghost, even if Danny isn't going to do anything I sure as heck will!

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