Identity Crisis: Part 5

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"Or it could make it ten times worse." I walk into the room to see two Danny Fentons as I start to say before cutting myself off "Hey guys I just say (s/n) fly away and-...What the heck is going on here?! Why are there two Danny Fentons?!" I was genuinely shocked when Tuck told me that one of Jack's devices had split Danny into two versions of himself. "And no thanks to (s/n) we're all on our own for figuring out how to fix this because she's worried about her secret identity," Sam said and I start to deadpan at her. I swear ever since Danny and I had started dating she had gotten salty if she wasn't complaining to me about (s/n), she was complaining to (s/n) about how the boy she likes is taken.

I swear she needs a rebound so she can get over Danny I was tired of listening to the constant complaining she's becoming a toxic friend and I've had enough with toxic relationships. I start to ponder on who she could get together with when my gaze fell upon Tucker...Bingo. He's the only other boy she trusted but how would I convince them to give each other a shot? Before I could think even more on that Jazz walked in.

"Danny? Dad wants you to-AAH!" She quickly spots the two Dannys and runs out of the room into her own when Jack's shouting could be heard. "Danny! What's going on in there?!" "Quick hide!" I shout as Tuck pushes the two Dannys into his closet and they both let out a grunt as Sam whisper-shouted "No! Just one of you!" "I call the fun Danny!" Tuck shouts as pulls out the Danny with blue eyes as Sam tries to shout " I call the-Darn it!" "Hey, what's the Ghost Catcher doing in your room? You march that down to the lab right now son."

 Jack said before going into Jazz's room while the first Danny heads down the stairs and Maddie walks in just as the green-eyed Danny comes out of the closet. "I swear, I don't know what's come over Jazz. Danny please be a dear and show her your alright." "I'm more than alright, I'm Danny Fenton!" 

He gets in that stupid superhero pose again as an awkward smile rests on Maddie's face. We all exit Danny's room when Tuck spots the other Danny going down the stairs so he shoves his hat in Maddie's face asking:

"Hey, does this smell funny to you?" Danny walks into Jazz's room and Jack states "I thought I told you to take that Ghost Catcher down to the lab." "Fear not paunchy patriarch!" Was Danny's only response. Maddie shoves the hat out of her face as she tells him "Tucker I don't have time for this...And you really should do something with that problem dandruff," Her gaze turns to the stairway where she sees Danny so she tells him "Danny the Ghost Catcher can wait. You need to talk to your sister."

 Danny lets out a grumble as he sets the Ghost Catcher down and starts to make his way up just as Jack and the other Danny walk out of Jazz's room. "Danny hide!" All three of us shout and one Danny hid behind Jack and the other jumped over the stairway rail. "Um ready or not here we come?" Tucker says in a questioning tone when the doorbell goes off and the two race down to answer it shouting that they'd get it.

They open the door to see a cop that gestures towards the RV that was still connected to Technus as he asked "Is this your vehicle, Ma'am?" Maddie glares at her husband as he comes up with an excuse.

"Hey, it's back from the shop." We were in the lab with the Ghost Catcher as we tried to figure out how to fix Danny. "Okay from now on you hide and I will be Danny." The first Danny said gesturing to himself as the other objects.

"I think not! You were Danny all day and did a pretty poor job of it." "Sure, dude whatever you say. C'mon babe let's ditch this place," Danny said grabbing me when Phantom spoke up " NO! You can't- I mean we must not get distracted. Even...If...The...Distraction...Is...(y/n)..." He trails off as his face got redder and redder. Soon I notice both Dannys glaring at each other when Phantom grabbed a hold of me as well as the two started to pull on me shouting "MINE!"

"Guys." I tried to say but they both just kept shouting at each other about how the other needs to let go. "Guys!" I try again, still nothing. "GUYS!" I shout as loud as I can causing the two to shut up and let go of me but before I could say anything...

 Danny's parents walk down and we quickly hide one of the Dannys behind us as they tell us " Good news kids! We recovered the RV's black box data recorder." "This baby will show us how exactly that ghost took control...Just as soon as I download all its memory into the Fenton mainframe." He goes to plug it in causing both the Dannys to reveal themselves as they said "Dad, no!" It was too late he had plugged the two together and soon Technus took control of the whole building.

The RV was put onto the ops center and connected to the building. "Excellent! My upgrade is complete! With the technology in this house, I can drain all the power from this city and then the world...Nobody heard that right?" I dodge out of the way of some cords that wrap around Sam, Tuck and Danny's parents which covered their vision.

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