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𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗼𝗿 @𝗞𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗻𝟲𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗲
"𝑤ℎ𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒?"
"𝑠ℎℎℎ, 𝑖 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤"
"𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑒 𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦"

i hadn't been feeling well all day, but i have things to do, so i just kept it a secret. my head hurt and felt like it was spinning and my stomach hurt. my nose was running and i felt like i was about to pass out.
but i didn't want anyone to know.
i went to work today and got the things done that needed to be done. when i got home, i finished a shit ton of work and then started making dinner for daniel and i.
daniel should be home soon, so i tried to compose myself so he wouldn't question me.
daniel is the sweetest husband in the whole world and i wouldn't change a single thing about him. he's so sweet and caring and all he ever wants to do is make me happy. which he does.
he's just really protective. especially when i'm sick.
i've known daniel since middle school and every time i've been sick, he's done something crazy.
when we were in the seventh grade, i got strep throat and he went bat shit crazy. daniel and i always sing together, so when i told him my throat hurt, he got himself all worked up. i remember how he packed his bags and slept at my house for four days without telling his mom. i'll never forget how he made sure i was taking my medicine and how he wouldn't leave my side for anything.
one of my best memories is the time we were in eleventh grade and we both caught the stomach flu at the same time. i stayed at daniel's house the whole week that we were sick. instead of just laying down and resting, all daniel wanted to do was take care of me. he wouldn't rest, all he did was worry about me. i vividly remember him covering me up when he suddenly bolted for the bathroom. i remember going after him and rubbing his back. he kept trying to tell me to go lay down, but he was in the middle of throwing up, so he just gave up. i remember how he carried me back to bed after he finished puking. he had it worse than i did, but he wouldn't admit it because he wanted to take care of me.
i love daniel to death and i appreciate every single thing he does for me, but i didn't feel like listening to him tell me how much i needed to rest tonight. i decided it was best not to tell him that i feel sick.
i set the table as daniel walked through the front door and into the kitchen.
"hello, darling," he said, placing a kiss on my head before leaving to go take his shoes off and put his stuff down.
i began grabbing food, although i wasn't really hungry. i was actually pretty nauseous and i definitely didn't want to eat. i sat down and daniel came downstairs, got food, and then sat down across from me.
"how was your day?" i asked, cutting my food.
"it was good, it was productive. i mean, i missed you all day, but it was good. how was your day?" he asked.
"oh, um...good. i just worked, nothing too interesting."
he nodded and shoved a piece of chicken in his mouth. i pushed my food around my plate, i knew if i put in in my mouth, i would instantly throw up. i just felt so sick.
"hey, you okay? why aren't you eating?" daniel asked, stopping what he was doing and staring at me.
"i'm just not that hungry. i ate a late lunch," i lied.
"okay, look me in the eyes and tell me that," he scoffed, instantly knowing that i was lying.
i sighed and stood up, just wanting to go to bed. i froze as the whole room was spinning.
"are you okay?" daniel asked, his eyes focused on me.
"n-no, daniel...i...i'm really dizzy," i choked out, feeling the bile rise in my throat.
"oh shit," i said before running to the trash can, bringing up everything i had eaten that day.
daniel was right there, holding my hair back.
as soon as i was finished, i buried my head in daniel's shoulder. daniel placed his hand on my forehead, then leaned down and kissed my head again.
"baby, you have a fever. why didn't you tell me that you didn't feel good?" he asked.
"i...because you always get so worried and i just thought it would go away," i said, tears rising in my eyes from the pain in my head.
"okay, don't cry. c'mon lovebug, let's get you to bed," he whispered, lifting me up and carrying me to bed. he laid me down and covered me up, then kissed my face a few times.
"wait, dani, stay with me," i said, tears rising again as i started to feel clingy. all i wanted was his arms around me.
"i'm gonna go clean up the dishes and then take the trash bag outside since it has your puke in it. after that i'm all yours, i promise sweetheart," he said.
he left and i instantly burst into tears. i get major separation anxiety when i'm sick and i could care less about how much of a mess the kitchen was, i only wanted daniel. tears continued to fall for the next 15 minutes until daniel came back and rushed to my side, seeing my tears.
"honey, don't cry. it's okay lovebug, i'm right here," he whispered, laying down and pulling my body into his.
"i-i don't f-feel good," i cried, sounding like a four year old.
"shhh, i know. i know, baby, i know. i've got you, my love, don't cry," he soothed.
daniel let me lay on top of him until i stopped crying and then he sat up and placed me in his lap.
"you okay?"
we sat in silence for a while until i yawned and hid in daniel's chest.
"tell me a story," i whispered as we laid back down.
"well....hmm..um...once upon a time, there were two best friends. they had been friends for years, but the girl didn't know that the boy had a crush on her. the girl was always kind to the boy, but she was always annoyed at how protective he was. what she didn't know, was that the only thing the boy ever wanted to do was protect her because he loved her. time passed and the two friends began dating and...."
daniel trailed off, seeing that i was asleep. he smiled and kissed my head.
"and he looked down at her in his arms and smiled, thanking god that he gets to take care of a such a beautiful woman," he whispered.
"i love you, beautiful angel."

𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 - 𝟵/𝟮𝟭/𝟮𝟬
𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢

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