Chapter 68: Trial

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. My dad got ready for the day. Hondo went into our kitchen.

Minutes after that I followed him. I gave him a hug.

" Good morning Baby girl," he replied giving me a kiss.


Hondo: Hey kid

Street: Hey boss

Hondo: How are you?

Street: good and you

Hondo: fine thanks

Street: we'll bring you breakfast

Hondo: okay

Street: bye

Hondo: see you guys soon

end of texting

Our apartments and house are now alive and noisy. Baby girl your brothers will be bringing breakfast. This is copied by our teammates. Our meals are in their final minutes on the stoves.

Breakfast is promptly served at 7:45 am California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. The team sat in our assigned seats at the tables. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sink.

The teams and I went to the court that morning. Later on, we locked our front doors. All of them went to our cars and trucks. Our apartments and houses are now left vacant. Everyone parks and went inside that morning.

I ran into the courthouse girls bathroom to vomit. Abby turns around looking at the teams worried. Meanwhile with Nate and Chris who are sitting on each side of my brother. They shared a look with each other. Nate found some paper and a pen.

He is a little space out. Graceland is sitting a row behind them. Mikey is going through the same feelings.

"Streeter you, okay?" He asked.

"No, I need to get some air," my brother replied.

Within seconds Luca heads towards the bathroom. He did a quick sweep of it.

"T, it's me please let me come in," Luca pleads.

" I just did it again. Five minutes please," I replied.

I reached up to unlock the stall door. Luca knelt down next to me rubbing my back. He waits for me to finish. Both of us head to the sink. Luca walks me over to the sink and let's me wash both wash my face and do the same with my mouth.

Captain America went to the girls bathroom.

"Luca," his roommate taps his shoulder.

"Yes buddy," he turns around to face him holding me.

All of us know about the panic attacks. This is fairly new. I know it's weird. Probably it's stress based. Dr. Wendy should know or we'll just take her to the mall.

This is where she was everyone is worried. As for the judge wants her back in the room like ten minutes ago. I can't go in there again. Bates is still here and I don't want to see his face right now.

My wrists are killing me. Chris texted to say there's a recess beginning in a few minutes. We will regroup in the hallway. Dreamer should probably go home and relax. Knowing her it would be watching the Flash.

Both teams minus Abby are waiting for us. The three of us walked towards team. Luca gave them the rundown. They formulated a plan. Of course, Tan volunteered himself to take me home.

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