Chapter 27

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The sun peeked from behind the clouds to brighten his room. I got ready to brew some coffee for him and make our lunches.

" Good morning Baby girl," He told me.

"Morning Hondo," I replied to him. Seconds later he walked over to the coffee pot.

After pouring himself a mug started cooking our breakfast over at the stove. He mixes my hot chocolate to give it to me.

"Thank you Hondo," I told them.

" You're welcome my Baby girl," he replied.

Soon after that the whole apartment smelled good.

Within minutes breakfast is served now. Everyone dished out our food to eat. Our usual drinks are coffee and hot chocolate. We ate together like one big happy family. Soon after eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.

The team grabs their belongings. Later on, we locked our front door. All of them went to their cars or trucks. Our apartments and house are now left vacant . Everyone heads to work.

An hour passed so uber arrives to pick me up for school. I reach there and walk in with my classmate. Seconds later I gave my teacher two different business cards. I went to my seat. My friend and I talked to each other.

Meanwhile back over at headquarters the team is in the briefing room. They are getting their assignments for that missions. Within seconds all of them went outside. Geared up from head to toe.

Black Betty is nice and full. The guys were all in the regular places. Conversations are going on throughout the truck. Jokes are cracked and laughter is loud. Minutes after that Luca pulls up in front of their call. Our boss is running things from the base. They pulled into the mission. Minutes after that they are in formation. Three went right and the rest head left. All criminals are in custody.

As for the team returns from the call. Sweat filled our headquarters. Of course, they went straight to the locker room to change. All of them felt good being in a different pair of clothes without ten pounds of gears on. Now is a relaxing time for us.

Lunch is promptly served at 12:00 pm. Everyone took out our food to eat. The team sat down around the table with each other. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we threw away all the trash in the bins.

Chris and I went to the room that they keep the tech in. I played with one of the cameras. The guys stayed in the kitchen talking to each other. We went by them after leaving yours to pick up her stuff. Fort Knox is now on the west coast. You're saying that they put in an alarm system.

"Of course they did, " Daddy told the remaining teammates.

The next plan on this docket.

" I am getting a key made for her, " Captain America tells them.

" Don't forgot that she's still my Baby girl," daddy replied.

Everyone grabbed the belongings from the locker room. The team exchanged their goodbyes to us and each other. Hybrid Mike were the only ones that didn't say anything. We talked for an extra five minutes. Our headquarters and parking lot are a ghost town.

Hondo drove us home like usual. We put down our bags by the door. I took a quick bath to change. Meanwhile in the kitchen with Hondo cooking at the stove. The place settings are left on the island. Within minutes I set our kitchen table.

My brothers just pulled into their driveway. They proceed to their front door. Of course they turned back around when they heard their names.

" Where's the girl that I always see with you," Their gangbanging neighbor Marcos asked worried.

" She is with our boss," They replied.

We see that you taken up a certain interest in our sister. I am not comfortable with this whole you looking at her Marcos. For someone that doesn't like cops. All of sudden you decide to coorperate now. She can handle well enough.

"That's my job," Captain America feel jealous and storms off.

He went into the house to put his stuff by the door. Duke greets him then follows him around. Seconds after that Luca joins him. You got a little hot out there. Just image how both Hondo and Johnny would react. Yeah I know buddy.

Dinner is promptly served at 6:00 pm California time. Everyone dished out our food to eat. Conversations are going on throughout our group. We ate together like one big happy family. After eating we put all the dirty dishes in our sinks.  We broke up into our boys vs girls groups. Chris and Tan cleared the tables. I wiped every surface with a rag. The guys washed the dishes. Every kitchen is now clean.

Family time continues in front of the tv. We shared our favorite tv shows with the group. I walked over to my room in order to change into my jammies and brush my teeth. Later on, I retuned to our couch and my favorite spot. I am nice and comfy.

" Goodnight Baby girl." He told me.

" Night Hondo," I replied giving him a kiss.

Meanwhile at my brother's place Duke is some where in the family room. Both of us need to talk about this right now.

"Johnny is going to flip. We were like brothers. I know I need to tell him," Captain America.

"Yeah, Street you do," Luca replied.

As for my dad is looking at me walking away. I went into my room to jump into my bed. Pedro is already against my chest. Counting sunglasses time begins right now. I am now fast asleep.

The team is still watching tv together. Laughter is slowly dying now. Our tv sets and family room lights are turned off. The team went to their own rooms. Everyone else joins me soon dreamland that night.

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