Chap. 1

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"Mom are you serious" Blake complains as he follows behind his mom into the kitchen still in his pajamas. It was 7am and his brother Alex was already on the school bus headed for elementary school Blake still had a hour before he had to get to high school. When they entered the kitchen Blake saw a very familiar sight of his dad leaning back against the counter eating a piece of toast and drinking coffee dressed in a dark green button up with a white lab coat over top both his parents had to get to work early in the morning so they had to leave soon and both always seemed in a rush to go. They where both doctors his mom was a brain surgeon his dad was a heart doctor they where always busy and never really home so honestly the news that his mom just gave him didn't really surprise him "Yes seriously Blake me and your father will both be working late tonight I need you to pick up Alex for me after your done with school. You know he's been failing history so I was finally able to get him a after school tutor. And don't let him get any ice cream when he gets home no sweets till he gets his grades up." Blake rolled his eyes already over it. Of course Alex was failing history the 9 year old boy could hardly sit still for two minutes much less the whole hour at first he thought he was just crazy or drunk to many sodas but it turned out to be ADHD. He got a bowl from the cabinet along with milk sitting at the table making a healthy bowl of sugery cereal "I get it mom but can you really not do it? I just want to chill after school" he mom turns to him crossing her arms giving him a somewhat stern look "No I really can't do it Blake. I'm not asking you at this point I'm telling you to pick him up do you understand me?" she says in her mothering tone which usually meant she means business. He nods his head pressing his lips "Yes ma'am I just wish you guys didn't work so much like...all the time" his continues to eat looking down sometimes he felt like a single parent struggling to take care of that kid on his own. He dad turns his head towards him "Son we work to take care of you and your brother. To give you both the best lives possible you'll understand when your older we love you" his dad says and he finishes off his toast gulping down the rest of his coffee making his way towards the front door he slides on his coat. Blake looks up watching his mom pick up some paperwork from the table sliding into a folder before looking over at him. He quickly averts his eyes from her looking back into his bowl she sighs walking over to him pushing his long black hair out his face. He still doesn't meet her eyes pushing the cereal around in the bowl "I understand it's hard sometimes but we do it all for you boys..." her voice softly trails off. He finally looks up her eyes meet his bright green sad ones she swallows hard seeing the tiredness in his face smelling the smoke on his breath she wanted to talk to him about it but she could never find time she opens her mouth to say something before her husband interrupts her she turns her head looking over at him "Nicole we have to get going now" he yells from the living room. She looks back at her son giving him a sad smile "Me and your father have to tell you something when we do get home...we love you and see you later" she kisses the top of his head before she turns speed walking to the front door keys and folders in hand. She turns back smiling at him because closing the door behind them leaving Blake alone with his thoughts as he finished his breakfast. He hardly doubt it that his parents will remember to talk to him when they get home tonight. But he still wondered what was so important that they actually planned time after their busy schedule to sit and talk to their son.


"But mother I'm already in so many extracurricular activities why do I need to add tutoring elementary school kids to the list?" Emma asks her mother as she sits down at the kitchen table her father sitting across from her was reading the newspaper and her mother was making her favorite breakfast egg white omelettes. She was already in violin, theater, dance classes, volunteering at the animal shelter and the homeless shelter now tutoring elementary school kids history why does her mother keep adding to the list she hardly even had time to breathe. Her parents always remind her if she stays busy then she can't get into trouble which she guess was true but at this point wasn't just a little too much? Her mother smiled looking over at her "Because it looks great on a college application dear you'll thank me later in life plus I thought you liked history" this makes Emma press her lips together her parents already had her whole life planed out for her. She would graduate high school at the top of her class go to Princeton or Harvard to become a doctor marry a rich man have 2 kids that was their plan honestly she would be fine with just becoming a simple history teacher living a simple life. Amarcan history was alway something she loved to dig deeper into it was one big storybook but every time she brought it up to her parents they would have none of it "I understand bu..." her mother immediately cut her off looking back at her frustrated "That's enough Emma" she quickly closes her mouth shut apparently the conversation was over. There was no point in trying to argue with her mother she would never win her mother sits the food Infront of her and her father "Now when your done eating I want you to walk straight off to school you have you're tutoring session right after do you understand?" you may be wondering why doesn't Emma have a car? Well she didn't have her license her parents wouldn't let her learn according to her father driving leads to parties,parties lead to drinking which in turn leads to drunk driving 1.2.3 she would be dead in a ditch in a matter of hours and as much as that angered Emma she felt like she couldn't speak on it. She bites her lip looking down at her plate accepting defeat as usual while whispering a soft "Yes mother" she mother smiles and begins eating Emma suddenly lost her appetite.

Mia note: This is the first chapter guys I'm so excited to see where it ends up

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