Chap. 39

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"Dear we're so happy you decided to join us" Blake's mother greets Emma with a smile as she climbed out the car with her bag. They been driving for a few hours to get here and in her opinion it was definitely worth it. She didn't mind spending the time with her friends driving here time honestly flew by. Her and Blake talked during the ride somehow managing to avoid the topic of the kiss they shared not that she was complaining she was happy he didn't bring it up she was way to shy to deal with that in that trapped little car. Looking around there was nothing but nature around her bright green trees bird softly chirping in the distance and squirrels scurrying about there was a lake in front of them ducks float across the surface it was honestly a beautiful sight. Look to her right she saw Mr. Black waved at her as he helped Alex put up his tent "Thank you very much for inviting me" Emma says with a grins which Ms. Black returns. She gaze drifts over to Blake taking his bag out of Chris trunk around with Kandy she couldn't stop her eyes from scanning over Blake's body as he picked up the heavy bag making his muscles in his arms pop out "Do you have a tent dear?" her eyes quickly focus back on Ms. Black. She looks at Emma curiously while Emma holds her bag close to her chest shyly. She prayed Ms.Blake didn't notice her checking out her son "Um no ma'am just a sleeping bag" Alex he pops up as he finally noticed Emma "Hey Miss Pear you can share my tent with me" he says smoothly making Blake roll his eyes nearby as he walks to the blue tent a few feet awhile tossing his bag inside "Or she could share with me?" their dad laughs shaking his head at his son's as they finally finish setting up Alex tent. Their mom crosses her arms looking between them "It's not happening boys" Kandy laughs softly watching as Chris was about to put his bag into a red tent "She can share a tent with me Chris can sleep in Blake's tent?" Kandy says throwing out the idea to everyone Ms. Black nods her head "Sounds good to me" Chris raised his eyebrow not completely agreeing with this plan. Emma noticed the pout forming on his lips Kandy kisses his pout softly gesturing him towards Blake tent with his bag. He smiles softly dragging his feet in Blake's direction who pats him on the back with a grin "Not my ideal roomie either buddy" Chris laughs softly pushing his arm. Emma looks down kicking a rock she slightly felt bad for keeping Chris and Kandy apart "He'll be alright he see's me everyday" Kandy laughs waving off Chris as she grabbed Emma's bag taking it over to their tent. They crawl into the tent Emma see's Kandy's purple sleeping bag already set up inside Emma sits crossed legged with her bag on her lap unzipping it she pulls out her sleep bag. Kandy sits on her bed watching as Emma sets up her sleeping bag putting her back beside Kandy's against the side of the tent. Kandy's phone beeps in her pocket she quickly pulls it out looking over the text she lets out a heavy sigh "Just so you know this is the 7th text your parents have sent me since we left them" Emma lets out a small laugh watching while Kandy reply's to her parents.Kandy phone beeps again she lets out a laugh showing Emma her screen "And then their this dummy" it was a crying SpongeBob meme from Chris apparently he was sad about not sharing a tent with the gal pals. Emma just shakes her head grinning "He's so goofy" Kandy nods looking over Emma outfit "We need to change your outfit girl" she said before crawling over to her bag. Digging through it she pulls a pair of light wash jeans shorts they looked about mid thigh "I actually have a shirt I wanna wear" Emma says before pulling out the Green day shirt Blake let her use weeks ago. Kandy sits the shorts on her lap with a grin "That shirt looks kinda big for you Em I wonder who it is~" she teased tapping her chin pretending to think. Emma softly pushed her shoulder grinning "Oh shut up" Kandy wiggles her eyebrows before crawling towards the opening of the tent. Emma holds up the shorts looking them over "I'll let you change in peace We'll probably be having dinner soon hotdog are on the menu" she says before climbing out zipping the tent closed while Emma began to got changed.

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