Chap. 73

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"Are you guys seriously leaving on your trips" Emma said as soon the front door closed behind Mr. Gates and Ms. O'Connor. She wasn't really surprised but she was very disappointed about her parents being ok with just leaving her here by herself. Even if this was some kinda mean joke or prank it was still upsetting and scary "Emma what more can we do. The police where called and they said to let it go, that it was nothing life goes on dear" her mother states as she sits on the couch. Her eyes turn to her father who seemed uneasy about this situation since the beginning "Emma they did say it was nothing maybe should just let it go" he pats her shoulder gently before walking past her upstairs "I'm going to start packing my travel bag please try to relax your mind about this Emma" him saying so did little to relax her. After he had left the room she crossed her arms tightly mad that know one was taking this seriously other than her. Her mother noticed her upset demeanor "We'll still be back for your birthday honey and we still be inviting Jason to your birthday party. I expect you to get your attitude in check before then" she looks at her daughter eyebrow raised. Emma choose not to respond as she stomped upstairs slamming her down behind her. She locks the door taking the tiny scrape of paper with Ms. O'Connor name and phone number on it sitting it on her nightstand before throwing her body onto her bed yelling into her pink pillow. Reaching for her bag she pulls out her phone so she could update Blake on the situation.

Emma- Sooo my parents called the police and they basically told me it was nothing and to move on

Blake- I'm sorry to hear that Em

She sighs heavily into her pillow rolling onto her side as he reply's again.

Blake- We'll keep a eye out if anything happens they'll definitely have to believe you.

The only problem was what if something else did happen and she ends up getting hurt. There was nothing she could do about it now though she had know clue who sent the letter. She sits her phone on the bedside table "We'll be leaving now Emma see you on your birthday marry christmas!" Her father yells from downstairs making her roll her eyes. There's a knock on her bedroom door followed by her mother's voice "See you later dear have a good christmas practice you violin in the meantime" Emma glanced at her violin as she hears her mother's footsteps walking down the stairs. The sound of the front door closing fills the house before it settles in silence. She lays there body full of anxiety she doesn't even notice time pasting as she looks blankly out the window. Suddenly she hears the soft ping of her phone picking it up it was a message from Blake

Blake- I'll see you tomorrow...and marry christmas

Her eyes look up to the top corner of her phone seeing it was 12:00 "Marry christmas to me" she whispered closing her eyes slowly.

It Started With Hello Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя