Chap. 23

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Where were they going Emma didn't really know but they've been driving a few minutes now. She didn't question him just held on tightly and enjoyed the ride. They drove pretty far away into the sketchy part of town passing by different broken down buildings liquor stores and nightclubs. Her blue dress whipped around behind them from side to side and her hair probably looked a mess but she didn't have a care in the world. Driving off like this made her feel completely free from her little caged world. Suddenly she heard the low sound of bass music getting closer she peeked over his shoulder they are driving to a old...not so abandoned under ground parking garage. The only reason Emma knew it wasn't abandoned was the flickering of bright multicolored light streamed out along with the loud music. She instantly tighten her arms around his middle they rode through the entrance it was dimly lite inside with for the flashing of multicolored lights. A few people greeted Blake as he rode pass apparently this wasn't his first time being here and that gave her alittle comfort. Inside was bustling with tattooed people some with brightly dyed hair dancing,talking and drinking what she assumed was alcohol she didn't recognize any people here from her school in fact most people looked older then her. The music was even louder inside with flashy motorcycles and cars lined up against the walls headlight blaring Blake parks along side them "Lake is that you?" she hears a male ask. Blake hears as he helps her off the bike he turns a smile hinting on his lips as he sees the white male with brightly dyed red hair walking over. To Emma he looked 20 maybe 21 as he got closer she noticed he had a whole sleeve of tattoos mostly of different videogame characters she recognized Mario,Link and The God Of War logo. The mysterious guy had a wide grin on his lips "I knew it, I fucking knew it! I'd recognize that bike anywhere" he grabbed Blake's hand pulling him into one of those guy hugs they patted each other on the back. They finally pulled apart and he finally noticed Emma at his side winking at Blake "Ohhh and you brought a friend with you after 2 years I'm honored for real" pretending on a tear away before opening his arms for another hug. Blake laughs punching him in the arm while pushing him away Emma smiles behind her hand they had a adorable bond it was kinda like they where brothers "She's dressed up and everything I'm fuckin touched" he says dramatically crossing his arms. Blake rolls his eyes as if this is a normal situation for him "Shut up man she's not dressed up to meet your ass this is Emma my umm....friend from school she needed a escape so I brought her here and Emma this is my oldest friend Chris" she tried to not feel offended about Blake calling her just a friend. After all thats all they were for real Chris smiles sticking out a hand "Pleasure to meet you" they shake hands a moment before he pulls away. He holds one hand up whispering to her "I'm just fucking happy this guy was finally able to make friends with the opposite sex. For awhile I was convinced he would die alone" he literally wasn't even whispering Blake could clearly hear every word he was saying. That made Emma laugh especially when she looks over at Blake he is just cringing beside her. She definitely could get used to this Chris guy he was funny "If you don't mind me asking what is this place?" Emma says curiously taking a moment to looking around. Chris raised his eyebrow looking over at Blake "You brought her here and didn't even let the girl know what this place is...wooow that's wild" he shakes his head as if disappointed his then grins throwing an arm around her shoulder. He gestures around them with his wide open hand "This young lady is The Underground a illegal racing club" her eyes widen gasping slightly. Illegal! this place was illegal and he brought her here what was he thinking she takes a moment to slightly glare over at Blake. To think just a few months ago she would have never thought of coming to a place like this meeting Blake has really shook up her world "And that guy right there" he points at Blake how gives a awkward wave towards her finally noticing her heated stare on him "Used to be the best racer here" her eyes scan over Blake as he walks over to them pushing Chris's arm off her. She raised a brow looking at him, street racing definitely looked like his aesthetic "You race cars?" Blake was about to reply to her but Chris cut him off "Motorcycle racing was more his thing back in the day" Blake glares over at his friend "Thank you for telling her my life story Chris" his voice was filling with annoyance and sarcasm. But Chris didn't seem to pick up on that smiling cutely "No problem buddy we are actually having a race tonight you should join" Blake immediately shook his head turning down his friend cold "No way dude" Emma looks between them she couldn't help herself but you think why was he so against it when he used to be so good. Chris looks in every direction as if trying to come up with some reason for his friend race someone walks past through the crowd catching his attention. He grins mischievously but plays it off for a moment "Well I guess Thomas is going to win again tonight" he shrugs as if it's know big deal but by the way Blake instantly tensed up beside her told her there was a story behind his discomfort relating to Thomas. Blake glares at him "You should kick his ass out of here before someone else gets hurt. I told you before he messed with my brakes before a race I almost rode into the fucking river! I crashed just to survive" he said quickly throwing his hands in the air in disbelief. Emma mind was blown there was a whole world down here that she never know about was this Thomas guy really that bad did he really almost kill Blake "Now Blake there was no proof that he really did that and we can't just kick him out for nothing" he shrugs watching a guy across the crowd talk to a blonde girl. Blake followed his gaze to who Emma guessed was Thomas he was a dark skinned man buff as crap wear a baseball cap and a t-shirt "I'm still out...I'm not racing me and Emma just came here to chill" Thomas must have felt her looking at him because he quickly turns his eyes to meet hers. He runs his eyes over her dress making her want to cover up immediately his gaze moves to Blake beside her. As their eyes meet Thomas smiles wickly waving a hand loosely they hold eye contact a moment the way he was looking at Emma was pissing Blake off probably more than it should have. He locks his and Emma's hand as if to state his claim on her Thomas continue to smiles as if not to care. Emma heart was pounding in her chest from him holding her hand she barley heard him say strongly "I'm in".

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