Chap. 50

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"I just can't understand why Mr. Simmons would move your theater classes out here?" Emma's mother spoke while looking through the car windows with judgement as they drive past another ABC store. Emma shrugs looking out her window she knew her mother was completely unaware that she lied to her about her theater teacher moving practice out to this part of town. This was Emma's plan since she gotten back home for the camping trip she made sure to text Chris that she wanted the job today was friday. It was the first day of work and Emma was a ball of anxiety and her mother's constant questions didn't help "And so late at night to...I don't understand that man" her mother shakes her head slightly. Emma nods in agreement trying to not look at her mother "He said something about wanting us to be completely in the atmosphere of the characters to make our roles more believable" her mother sighs looking around anxiously. Her mother pulls out her phone for a moment with one hand the screen light illimunates her face "What's the name of the play again?" Emma opens her mouth searching her mind for a reply "Mother do you really not remember the play you put me into?" with quick on her feet thinking she was able to turn the question back on her mother. She looks over at Emma a moment before looking back at her phone looking at the directions "Of course I do...maybe I could just call Jason quickly to make sure..." She pulls in front of the random building Emma gave her the address to which she got from google maps. The windows where dark and it looked abandoned but there was a few other cars in the parking lot "NO!" Emma yells holding up her hands making her mother raise a perfectly arched brow "I mean no...mother you don't need to do that he's right inside I know you don't wanna bother him" she fidgets with her fingers on her lap while her mother's eyes burned onto her skin. Time seemed to go by so slowly she could basically feel herself sweating "Your probably right" she lets out a breath in relief as her mother turns back off her phone putting it into the glove compartment "I'll be here to pick you up around 11:30" her mother states as she climbs out the seat walking up the steps to the building. As she gets to the door she takes a minute to look at the dust covered doorknob before turning and waving at her mother. Her mother gives her a small wave before driving away as Emma see's her round the corner she walks down the stairs pulling her phone out her bra to check the time "Ok...5:30" she whispers before sticking the phone back in place while heading in the direction of The Underground. She pace was somewhat fast because she still didn't know what she was going to do about her outfit problem she had on one of her dark blue button up uniform shirts and she shortest knee length plaid skirt she owned with white knee length socks and a simple 3in black heels which where killing her to walk in at the moment. She suddenly heard the loud music from The Underground blasting through the open garage some people where leaning against in outside talking and drinking. She anxiously walks past them "I love your outfit baby girl" one of the guys say making his friends laugh beside him Emma wasn't sure if he was being genuine or if he was picking on her. What ever the case she walks right past them inside feeling their eyes follow her she walks to the bathroom locking the door and looking at her outfit in the mirror. Bitting her lip undo three buttons from the bottom of her button up tying it into a knot showing some of the skin on her stomach then she undoes too buttons at the top pulling it down slightly showing a good amount of cleavage. She pulls up her skirt making it mid thigh "Ok..ok not so bad at least I won't get laughed out of here now the hair" she says be pulling her ponytail out her hair tossing her hair around making it messily fall around her shoulder. Finally finishing up she pulls a fire red lipstick out her pocket rubbing it over her thick lips making them juicy and pouty stepping back to look at herself she looked good like a sex bomb shell. She sits her hand on the door knob letting out a breath "Here we go" she opens the bathroom door scanning her eyes for Chris.

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