Chap. 86

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"Happy birthday Emma...Happy birthday to you!!" Different party guests cheer around a sat Emma at the kitchen table in front of the big pre-cut angel food cake with pink candles on top. Light music plays around them soft jazz over shadowed by the chatter of the guests. Technically it wasn't even her birthday yet but it would be in about a hour or so. Her parents arranged the party the day before her birthday so they could open the new year in along with her birthday. She wondered how many of her parents friends where actually her for her or for the free alcohol? Emma's eyes glance around at the different faces a moment before at Claire and Whitney who had showed up together they send her a smile. Niki texted her earlier letting her know she would be showing up alittle later and Chris and Kandy also said they would come once they get settled in after leaving the airport. Emma smiles happily knowing almost all of her friends would be here today. She told Blake he was invited but she knew he wouldn't come just to keep the peace on her birthday. Her father pats her shoulder gesturing her to blow out the candles "Go ahead dear" her mother said Emma licked her lips she closes her eyes tight making a quick wish before blowing them out followed by clapping and cheering before a few people here and there takes a slice of cake. Emma stands up about to began walking towards her friends waiting for her "Wait Emma I want to introduce you to my work colleagues" her father said before grabbing her hand pulling her towards the opposite direction. She looks back at her friends pouting Claire gives her a light wave before she and Whitney pick up a wine glass walking around the room. Her father stops walking in front of a few men Emma never met before all well dressed men "These are my friends from work Chad,Danny and Parker guys this is my daughter 18th birthday can you believe that?" he said full of excitement grinning making her laugh nervously. She could feel their eyes staring all over her making her anxious they where a bunch of pigs. She wasn't even wear a revealing dress or anything since the theme of the party was pink earlier before the event she changed into her gradient long pink dress. If they really thoughtshe wouldbe interested in any of them they thought wrong "I can believe it" one of them said the one she believes to be called Chad he was the youngest looking by still much older then her. He takes a slow sip of his wine making Emma question if he was intoxicated or not because surely he wouldn't have said that if he wasn't drunk. She fidgets with the necklace Blake gave her around her neck "Umm nice to meet you all" she whispered looking down as they respond with hello's. Her father wraps a arm around her shoulder "Now that she's of age I guess I'll be having to beat the guys off with a stick now" he joked before removing his arm making his friends laugh. Her father seemed to be having a great time embarrassing her thinking she was inexperienced with men he had no idea she just had her first orgasm only a few days ago. That thought made her cheeks heat up even more "That's part of life Gerald that's what woman do. That's what their good at spreading their legs I'm sure she'll learn how to some day soon" Danny said rubbing his beard looking over at her making Parker laugh hitting his shoulder. Who the hell did these men think they we're? Did they think it was still 1880 or something women weren't objects. It made her blood boil and she was a spilt second from giving these old farts a piece of her mind "Hey now...not my daughter, she'll stay pure forever" her dad said pating her shoulder making her let out a loud sigh. Suddenly someone taps her shoulder making her turn around "May I have this dance?" her eyes widen what was he doing here? she didn't see him come in when did he get here?

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