Chap. 51

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It didn't take long for Emma to see Chris he was leaning against a pool table playing with a few other guys she didn't recognize. When she walked closer she noticed his hair wasn't it's usual flaming red color it was a more natural dirty blonde now combed back on top of his head he had little diamond studs in his ear. He definitely looked different it made her double take thinking if it was really him or not "Chris?" she said more like a question while walking closer. He looks up from the table smiling at her before tossing his stick over to one of his buddies before running to meet her halfway pushing a few people out the way "Hey Emma you finally made it" he pulls her into a quick hug before pulling away. Emma was still shocked about his hair pointing at his hair while saying "What happened to your hair" he squints his eyebrows confused a second. Realization finally makes it's way onto his face "Oh yah my natural hair colors blonde. Since I'm going to see my parents house for Christmas in a few weeks, figured I would go back to my natural hair color I'm not trying to give my grandma a heart attack" she nods her head understanding how seeing your son with bright red hair randomly would come as a shock to most family members. He takes a step back looking over her outfit "Not the best...but definitely not the worst head over there to the bar Whitney will go ahead and get you set up with drinks." she nods turning in direction of where's he pointing. He calls out to her again making her turn around to look at him "By the way just a heads up in 2 weeks is when me and Kandy will fly out there so I won't be around after that the blonde girl with the megaphone from the first day you came will be in charge she name Niki she's sweet heart" for some reason Emma doubted that pretty people like her where always big bullies. Of course she would give her the benefit of the doubt but yah she didn't have high hopes "Ok sure thanks for letting me know" she gives him a wave before walking towards the bar it was packed with people around it laughing and drinking. She opens the small dood to walk behind the bar. There was a tall dark skinned woman with a perfectly shaped afro along wearing a red dress with a short asian woman with pink eyeshadow jet black hair going part her shoulders wearing a glittery blue mini dress making drinks together. When Emma enters the asain woman turns to look at her "I'm Claire and thats Whitney don't worry Chris told us today you first day" Whitney finished helping a customer and walks over to them "Nice to meet you" sticking out a hand for her to shake Emma smiles shaking her hand. Whitney reaches underneath the bar pulling out a round tray "This is your new best friend there are tables all around The Underground" Claire cuts off Whitney a moment adding "Don't worry all the tables have a red number cards standing on top so you'll know which drink goes to what table" Whitney nods handing Emma the tray which she takes "Basically we make the drinks and you take them to their tables. There are also other girls taking drinks around so you won't be doing it all alone" Emma nod's as Claire hands her a change dispensing belt with a calculator and card reader "Your other best friends" Emma lets thanking god for calculator because the one subject she sucked at was math and that calculator would definitely be a life saver. Whitney suddenly gets a order and rushed away to take care of it while Emma put on the change belt it really didn't match with her outfit but it is, what it is "You honestly came just in time we're just about to take out these drinks" Claire says while placing 5 drinks on the middle of the tray. At first Emma struggles to carry all of them but soon gets used to it Claire reads over the receipt s moment before saying "It's table 3 towards the right of the garage good luck" she smiles before walking away to take care of another customer. Emma lets out a little sigh then heads out the door with the drinks towards the right. She was excited to meet her first ever customer she hoped they would be nice she finally gets to table three her eyes widen when she see's who it is "What a surprise to see you here...".

(Mia note- Any guesses on who's here at Emma's first day?)

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