Chap. 29

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The rest of the dinner consisted mostly with Jason having a one sided conversation with himself. He didn't seem to mind or care about Emma's uncomfort with him laying his hand over hers the rest of dinner or her anxiety as he pulled her up to the dance floor in the middle of the crowded room. To any outsider they would look like the perfect young cute couple enjoying a romantic evening together as he held her tightly to his chest. She bet people where thinking he was whispering sweet nothings in her ear something out of a love story instead of telling her all the filthy things he planned to do with her body. What was making her even more scared was he would say "And I'll take you...when the times right" leaving her on edge as he twirled her around the dance floor. He had her right where he wanted her if she was a bolder person she would punch him in the face and storm out but her body kept her plated here listening to his every word. It wasn't in her to go against people it wasn't in her nature but god she wished it was. The song finally ended and she pulled apart from him slightly stumbling over her heels in the process. He pays for their meals before taking her hand and leading her outside opening her car door she gladly climbed inside thinking this night was finally over hoping he would cut this date short. Even though it was only 7 at this point there was still some light outside the streets where pretty clear people walking around enjoying their day unlike her "I hope you don't think this is the end to our great night" he glances over at her as he starts the car. Her clasp tight in her lap "Where are you taking me now?...Don't you think this is enough now Jason?" her voice slowly trail's off as she noticed him picking up the speed of the car. His knuckles turn white around the wheel "Why Emma why are you being this way? Don't you like me don't you enjoy our time together?" his voice was shaky as he made a sharp turn Emma's arms slams against the car door "Slow down Jason! Please slow down!" She yells closing her eyes tightly. This was a different type of adrenaline than when she was riding on the back of Blake's bike this was terrifying not excited. With Blake is was exciting and new with Jason all she felt was fear "Don't tell me what to do Emma!" he's gaze was laser focused on the windshield. Emma's hands wave around trying to grab for anything that can keep her body stable "Ok Jason! Ok we can do whatever you want I don't care!" she yells eyes starting to water. She's willing to do whatever she has to do at this point to just make his chill out. Suddenly he slams his foot on the brake stopping abruptly at a stoplight letting out puffs of air. The sharp brake makes her body lunge forward hard thank god for the seatbelts or she would have went flying through the windshield. It leaves her panting in her seat nails digging into the leather seats feeling like she could just melt into the floor. He slowly...very slowly turns his head grinning at her like a lunatic "That's great dear I was hoping you would see it my way" he reaches a hands out patting softly on her thigh making her flinch before he continues to drive again at normal pace. She swallowed hard wishing her father would have just let her bring her damn phone. Even if her parents wouldn't believe her words they would definitely have to believe a video if she recorded what just happened. He pulls up to a park people where walking around, tossing a frisbee around, playing baseball, and reading with the little bit of light that was left in the sky "I thought it would be nice to end the night with a walk in the park hand in hand I'll even buy you a ice cream cone" he grins pointing over to a ice cream truck a short line of people in front. This man went from almost about to kill them both to talking about walking hand in hand with ice cream "Sure sounds great" she nods looking around for escape maybe she could get a ride or something while he was getting ice cream she thought. He glares at her a moment as if to know exactly what she's thinking "Go sit on that bench I'll be watching you don't try and go anywhere or else" he points over to a bench under a tree. She swallowed and walks over sitting down before looking back to see him still watching her from the same spot he was making sure she made it there before jogging over to the ice cream truck. She looks around letting out a sigh happy to finally be away from Jason even for a few minutes she looks down curls covering her face "Miss Pear?....Miss Pear is that you? it's me Alex" she hears the excited voice making her heart jump. She quickly lifts her head seeing Alex in front of her with a red frisbee in one hand a big grin on his lips. She quickly looks over her shoulder still seeing Jason in the line for ice cream his attention wasn't on her at the moment "Miss Pear I miss you why did you stop tutoring me? They replaced you with Mr. Green she smells like old shoe. But guess what I'm taking my EGO tomorrow and then it's summer time I'm so excited!"  he yells rather loudly throwing up his hands in excitement. Her eyes slightly widen as the little boy yelled after talking a mile a minute she holds her finger up to her mouth shushing him making him pout slightly. She looks back making sure Jason didn't hear she didn't know what he would do if he saw her talking to Alex but she didn't wanna find out either upon looking he did not seem to notice Alex outburst. It took her a moment to realize Alex was here which met there had to be someone here watching him this park is pretty far out of the way she remembered Blake said his parents works alot which could only mean..."Alex I told you not to mess with her she's not her" Blake says jogging over to them. He stops in front of her she does not yet meet his eyes looking down while he pushing his fingers through his hair "I'm sorry about that miss he got alittle excited thinking you where some..." he has not yet noticed that the attractive woman sitting alone was Emma. She finally looked up into his beautiful green "one else" he finished his sentence pausing his fingers in his hair. He drops his hand pressed his lips "Hey" she gives him a small smile "Hi" they just stare at each other for a few minutes Alex looking between them "I told you it was her" he crossed his arms grinning proudly.

(Mia note- Always listen to Alex noted lol)

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